One of my mate's is a wizz on the cartoon/art front and I asked him to do me a favour a while ago and come up with a bit of a logo for our team. These a not finished yet, but what do you think?
I like the first one too & I like the blondie. Will look great on a t.shirt, I can do a cheap run for the gang.
First one looks great, if your mate can do it lets see what a tassie devil head on the guy looks like.
Ok, so if we go with the guy in the first logo? I think I could need teeth whitening least I will not need a spray tan...
Cheers Russ
And blonde highlights Russ. He looks like Fluro, but Fluro doesn't sail much anymore and he definitely doesn't speed sail! Could be Dave, Steve, Johno, with a sex change, anyone else blonde?
Yeah I like the first one as well, great job tell your mate Jez
Thanks Karen yes I did have blonde hair once, must be a while since you have seen me or is there another Johno
I like the first one too but I think we should have a devil not the blonde. The thing is if we have the devil the other states might feel scared. They will be able to see we are the Tassie devils
God bless and goodnight
I LOVE the first one as well
Not sure if you picked this up but the logo is in the shape of Tassie, I didn't at first
This is what my mate said about the logo:
'The aspect of the text was to incorporate the waves and speed, whilst the windsurfer is shaped in the form of Tasmania, with tassie tiger elements placed on the sail.'
I dont think I will be able to get it changed, as it has been hand drawn as well as being put through Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
Lets see what it looks like when its finished Still looks really good i think!
Actually I like the 3rd one.........oh no, another old age moment, I've gone blank
Well done Jez your mates not bad