Forecast looks great (can't often say that) for Sandpits that's where I'll be later in the day
Also excellent for good old Dorans
Hello old man I was predicting a n/e for tommorow but I think the sw is more the go might (rebound) on me, but a sand pit will do, swell might be large but nothing you can't handle. Rain ,warm ,frontal ,smoke,weather men,posts.
G'day folks. Tomorrow I hve Kate at work and Millie in childcare.....what's the likelihood of a sail tomorrow for this opportunistic sailor?
Hi Nick. Tomorrow is looking good for sailing. Good for us but not good for the fire situations. Wsw again. Dorans or Sandpits I reckon will be the go.
Today looks like a solid Carlton/Park day??? Not sure of the swell conditions.
Might have to head north this evening, solid readings around Low Head again.