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Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

Wave Sail next weekend at Carlton Beach!

Created by TASSIEROCKS > 9 months ago, 18 Apr 2010
TAS, 1651 posts
18 Apr 2010 4:22PM
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Ok who is interested to have a fun wave day at Carlton Beach River next Sunday?

We could all meet at 11am and sail big or small boards depending on the conditions. Have a BBQ (byo) and have a laugh, rain, hail or shine.

cheers Russ

TAS, 2213 posts
18 Apr 2010 4:32PM
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Sounds good, I'd like to get the longboard out if it's light, which it probably will be, and some fun waves.

TAS, 2213 posts
18 Apr 2010 4:34PM
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...or we could troll some lures around, seem to be a few tuna about.

TAS, 1651 posts
18 Apr 2010 5:21PM
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love your work!!

biggest fish win's

TAS, 2012 posts
18 Apr 2010 9:47PM
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Anyone got a 5m wavesail for sale? I've got a 90L board and a 400 mast and boom to suit, just need a sail!! It can be pretty stuffed, as it just need to get me out on the water until I get a Severne S1 next season. PM me if you have one that might be suitable (must be 4.7-5.3, preferable 5m).

TAS, 48 posts
18 Apr 2010 10:02PM
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I'm definitely there !

Actually found myself with an unexpected leave pass on Saturday and ended going paddle surfing at Carlton on my Kona longboard. After 4 weekends in a row inclusing Easter off the water due to family/work commitments just wanted to get out on the water ! It was great fun, bit of swell and stayed glassy to after 12:00 pm. There were three of us paddle surfing and ~ 15 odd people on mals that came and went. Feel guilty that I didn't pm you guys but it was a last minute thing. Anyway, happy to come along next Sunday (more leave passes now that school rowing season is over) with longboard, paddles (have two homemade), sailboard rig (old 5.3m sailworks) and portable gas barb-q. Aside from perhaps torrential ran we should be unskunkable !

If ther is no wind then you can go out with your paddle Russ and show yourself to be the toal Wind/kite/SUP renaissance President we know you can be ;-)

If there is no wind and no swell then we can do a paddle Carlton, Park beach return, possibly with hook bait attached and declare winner on the basis of elapsed time and/or size if fish caught !


TAS, 1651 posts
18 Apr 2010 10:31PM
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I have heaps of sails I just need to have a think. There will be something you can borrow till you get your new sail.

Cheers Russ

TAS, 1651 posts
18 Apr 2010 10:39PM
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You legend!!
looking forward to it. I have a gas cooker as well. should be a blast no matter what the conditions.

Cheers Russ

TAS, 2012 posts
19 Apr 2010 7:54AM
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That would be great, thanks Russell!!

TAS, 625 posts
20 Apr 2010 11:31AM
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Count me in. The options are either going on a wine tour (me as designated driver) with some very nice but next generation soaks, or get out on the board and meet some fellow riders, have a BBQ and generally have a great time. Big decision. I've got a new surfing kayak that I can bring if the wind lets us down. Only thing is, can someone tell an ex-Queenslander where exactly you are going? Street directions etc.

TAS, 3173 posts
20 Apr 2010 11:35PM
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The weekend forecast looks pretty good with winds looking strong NW - W on sat and W - SW on Sun, looks like the barbie might be on

TAS, 1664 posts
22 Apr 2010 8:04AM
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Sounds good to me.

Anzac day with a BBQ. That's Aussie

TAS, 2213 posts
22 Apr 2010 5:09PM
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Iceman said...

can someone tell an ex-Queenslander where exactly you are going? Street directions etc.

Hi Rod, get into Google maps, do a search for Carlton Beach, locate Carlton Beach Road (runs parallel to beach), coming off this is Raprinner St, at the end of the street is the surf club carpark. I think this is the spot.
(I'd post the map but can't seem to get it working).
Should be some swell.

TAS, 48 posts
22 Apr 2010 7:59PM
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Well done Easty. Thats the spot.

Although just had a look at the latest chart. If it turns SW you can also sail at the Park beach end (i.e. basically the Western end of the beach at the other end of beach road). In a SW the surf club end is pretty onshore but the Park beach end is cross-on.

Anyway, not to confuse things any further, suggest we meet at 11:00 am in the Surf club car park and go from there. I'll chuck in my Gas barby and probably a few snags. With a bit of luck we can set it up somewhere semi-sheltered (at worst under the tailgate of my falcon) - byo whatever else.


TAS, 2213 posts
22 Apr 2010 8:44PM
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Sounds good to me.

TAS, 1651 posts
22 Apr 2010 9:30PM
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looking forward to it

Cheers Russ

TAS, 3173 posts
22 Apr 2010 10:43PM
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You guys interested in changing the BBQ to Saturday. Not often do we get a forecast to look so good for Carlton, W - NW is right on the money. This place needs heaps of wind to work, Sunday the wind is easing so won't be much good for sailing

BOM forecast:
Saturday: North to northwest winds 15 to 25 knots tending west to northwest at
20 to 30 knots during the morning, increasing to 30 to 40 knots offshore during
the afternoon and evening. Seas 2 to 3 metres rising to 4 to 5 metres offshore
later. Westerly swell 2 to 3 metres building to 5 metres late.
Sunday: West to southwest winds 20 to 30 knots tending southwest at 15 to 25
knots during the morning then easing to 5 to 15 knots by late evening. Seas 2 to
3 metres abating less than 1 metre. Westerly swell 6 metres slowly decaying to 5
metres late in the day.

TAS, 2343 posts
23 Apr 2010 10:30AM
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Yes Saturday looks better, but then you look at the Marine Wind Forecast site and the wind looks dodgy both days......mmm that time of the year ah.

TAS, 1664 posts
23 Apr 2010 11:13AM
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Google maps link,147.637131&spn=0.007336,0.01604&t=h&z=17

Saturday does look good - at this stage I'll probably go to Dorans around 10am for the due westerlies,147.47961&spn=0.029323,0.064158&t=h&z=15

TAS, 48 posts
23 Apr 2010 12:43PM
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I reckon stick with the original plan. The problem with Saturday is that it may be to Northerly for Carlton - best bets probably late Saturday afternoon or might not swing till evening.

If its looking to be light, Russ me and Easty will turn up with some longboards to play on anyway.


TAS, 2213 posts
23 Apr 2010 5:38PM
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Yeah I'll stick with the original plan, and check out Doran's Saturday unless it's too northwesterly. Not being a wavesailor and having never sailed Carlton I wont comment on the Sunday forecast, but some waves and lightish wind and the longboards will be fun.

TAS, 625 posts
23 Apr 2010 10:03PM
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I can't make it for Saturday so I guess I vote for Sunday as well. Thanks for the directions Easty, I'll see you there.

TAS, 3173 posts
23 Apr 2010 11:53PM
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I'll try saturday and if there's a barrbie fired up Sunday I'll be down again for a snag. Both days could be good, Sat sfternoon ans sunday morning

TAS, 1651 posts
24 Apr 2010 6:46AM
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Sunday 11am it is

Hope to get a sail saturday at dorins.

cheers Russ

TAS, 1664 posts
25 Apr 2010 7:49PM
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Wow what a day :)

I'll leave it to the great orators to clarify

Good call rus

TAS, 2213 posts
25 Apr 2010 8:00PM
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And what a motley crew turned up!

I got some action shots, I'll post them later.

TAS, 1651 posts
25 Apr 2010 8:50PM
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I Just want to say to all those non believers out there Carlton Beach turns it on!!!!! What a fantastic day of sailing in the waves to celebrate our national day of remembrance.
I think it was one of my most fun windsurfing days this season. I lost count of my wave rides and some of the sets were good size. Heaps of fun for all who made the trip, sharing wave rides with top group of Tassie Wave sailors. To finish a long wave sail session we all went for a long run up the beach as the wind shifted onshore. Nothing better than the feeling of driving home exhausted after a fantastic day in the waves.
Huge thanks to Marlon, for you efforts, and especially the much appreciated BBQ. Also your fantastic display of wind boarding up the beach.
Iceman Many thanks for coming all the way from St Helens, fantastic to meet you and I am sure that we will return the effort and hold a good fun day at St Helens soon.
To everyone who participated in the first ANZAC day wave sail a Big Thank you, for making it heaps of fun. I believe we have started something let’s call it round 1 of the discover Tassie windsurfing days(someone please come up with a better name) philosophy: is not to work out who is best on the water, but to share the elements with a group of mates, and encourages newcomers to discover our fantastic sport.

Cheers Russ

TAS, 48 posts
25 Apr 2010 11:26PM
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Have to agree, a great day ! I would hazard to say the most number of windurfers that have been at Carlton beach on the same day for a few years ! It looks like the formula is to just pick a day and a place and turn up with all the gear - big boards and small boards and the essential Barby and make the best of the conditions on the day. Succeess is assured ! Well done Russ for kicking it off.

Easty, the photo turned out better then I would have ever imagined - well done !

Awsome effort from Rod for driving down as reported. We will have to return the favour.


TAS, 2213 posts
25 Apr 2010 11:44PM
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Hey Tasflyer, your head's about to be eaten by a killer whale!
The "team photo" came out a bit fuzzy after re-sizing, PM me your e-mail if you want me to e-mail you a copy of the original.
It was a great day, I'm amped to get the longboard out again in some waves when the wind is light, thinking of Cremorne when the swell is wrapping around the point and breaking on the sandbanks over winter.
Here's a few shots of the action before the wind really kicked in, and one of a rainbow.

TAS, 1651 posts
26 Apr 2010 8:49AM
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Many thanks for the photo's as well.
Fantastic team effort by all on the day.

Cheers Russ

TAS, 2343 posts
26 Apr 2010 10:52AM
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And thankyou to the wind for coming in just when I got there. It was great just to sail somewhere different in different conditions with a big bunch of others. Yer lets do it again.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"Wave Sail next weekend at Carlton Beach!" started by TASSIEROCKS