Ok we all know we can sail fast, but have you ever landed a fish on a sailboard? The next challenge is set. This fun day is about setting a new challenge.
Key is bringing the best board to land the big one. Location will be Dorins Road or the pond depending on the wind conditions. It's all about fun fun fun.....
Trust me if you get on to a good fish, it will set the heart racing.....
When Feburary 2nd Saturday 12 Feburary.
First prize for the largest landed fish on a sailboard is a new fishing rod and reel.
BBQ after to finish if Marlin is keen to bring his BBQ?? Please!!
Trophy as well.
Prize for the largest fish out of a boat as well on the day.
Sounds fun do we need to be a Windsurfing member to enter and do you have to be sailing at the same time when your fishing
No need to be a windsurfing Tas Member, it is a fun event.
Andy i think there a a few divisions, ( i.e motor boat class!) so i dont think you have to be sailing while catching the fish.
Did someone shove that rod up your ....... Russ
Be interested to know what you wind up when you actually catch a fish
I'm also a geek ######bump#####
I've teamed up with Morgan, should I give him a rod or use him as bait
Hello guys,
Morgan here,Im logged on in dads name.
Have a look at the monster flathead i caught at Lauderdale beach 3 weeks ago.
It was 47cm long and so heavy dad had to help me reel it in!!.
Hope we get some monsters like this in the contest.
ps i will have my own user name soon.
Thankyou and good night.
Wow, nice fish Morgan! You will be the one to beat in the contest for sure. Hope dad didn't freeze that fish thinking he can cheat and pretend he caught it when we have the comp!
Yes this is on,
Should be a blast
Prize for the largest fish, this is a fun day to see if we can catch a fish on a sailboard and other craft.
Next Saturday 10 am Dorans (Briefing by Morgan and Russ) at this stage but we will keep our eye on the wind and pick the best location closer to Saturday.
I've been in training, caught a few big flatties during the week. Looking forward to the comp. have been sharpening my hooks. may the best man/woman win!.
God Bless and Thankyou.
Good night to all!![}:)][}:)][}:)]
Hey Russ how about making this a State Title, could have 3 divisions, Dorans, Low Head and Hawley, then the person that gets the biggest fish is the State Champion
Being as you are the sponsor of this classic event you supply one rod as 1st prize in each division and you need to work out the prize for the state champion
Hey Russ you pathetic lanky moron........does that attract you attention
What about it...maybe forget all the prizes, maybe that put you off.
Anyone up north want to join in on the Russell Dowd Memorial Classic Fishing Competition this weekend..... should be some big supprises...well certainly a supprise if someone actually catches a fish
Ok that's good I have two spinning rods with reels.
And a trophy for first prize as well.
Are we keen about the 10am start I could make it 11am?
It should be heaps of fun!!!!!
I'm excited
Houston how about a lucky door prize???
Russ you gone deaf of something you dumb b#@#$$##
What about you guys up north are you keen to join in on the inaugral Windfishsurf Statetitle.....big big prizes and you gotta be in it ta win it
And yeah Russ I'll supply thfhkirdsaswdcffvgbgfb says prue
Oh that's Prue sick of me sitting on the computor
Hi Ant,
As this is a fun event
People up north are more than welcome to join in the fun if they wish in their local spots. All they need to do is tell us they are going in it prior to the event on this forum then get a photo similar to mine showing their set up and then a photo of their catch.
the 2011 windsurfing chum bucket fishing event is on.
10am Dorans Road this Saturday 10 for 10.30am start till 12.30,
prizes 2 spinning rods and reel combinations
trophy for the winner. bragging rights as well
Boats and other water craft welcome.
Briefing at 10am conducted by myself and Morgan.
Fun Fun Fun
heres the forcast..
Saturday: South to southwest winds 20 to 30 knots easing to 10 to 20 knots in
the morning then shifting northeast at 5 to 15 knots in the afternoon. Winds
tending west to northwest at 10 to 20 knots in the evening.
Gawd Russ didn't know you were starting so early, I can't make it till about 12.30
Just habit, never think of sailing before midday
I'm going to miss out....bugger
Dont forget to check cremorne if you plan on coming down to the comp.
Just went to Dorans and Cremorne. Cremorne looking better at the moment a light little breeze to get you moving but still nice and comfortable.
Dorans choppy and low tide.
I presume we will still meet at dorans to decisde at 10