Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

World record attempt, Dorans THIS WEEKEND!!!

Created by geared4knots > 9 months ago, 20 May 2011
TAS, 2647 posts
20 May 2011 12:17PM
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Planking on your windsurfer.!!!
We need the numbers, We are hoping to get at least 20 people to have a real crack at this record.

YES, be part of the glory, and have a windsurfing world record under your belt.
Be in the attempt this weekend at Dorans road.
Yes as many people 'planking' as possible on their windsurfer for one big group photo shoot.
I dont think there is an official record for this yet, so whoever participates will be a winner!!!.
When Dorans at 1.30 Saturday

Please note ::: this is serious!

so far i have Anthony, Kaleb, Brett and Jordon

TAS, 1471 posts
20 May 2011 12:28PM
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Mmmmm if this is serious, which I actually question but if you a doing it why not do it when their's actually going to be some wind around, to get more people involved!?!

TAS, 1471 posts
20 May 2011 12:33PM
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Jezstrt said...

Mmmmm if this is serious, which I actually question but if you a doing it why not do it when their's actually going to be some wind around, to get more people involved!?!

P.s I think we should have a poll what is more gay, planking or the gym

Planking is sh#t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TAS, 2647 posts
20 May 2011 12:50PM
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Cmon jez, be in it. you dont want wind for the serious planking.
you just rig your gear and lie on your board, how easy.
I agree its gay but its the only world record you and i are going to get this weekend.

You dont want wind, it will spoiul the photoshoot.
So you are in?, good that makes 6 so far.
yes this is very serious!!!!

WA, 154 posts
20 May 2011 10:51AM
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Hey Jezstrt
When I am at the Gym I do push ups which is my favourite plank move
You should try it

TAS, 2433 posts
20 May 2011 12:59PM
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Yesterday I planked a scrap wood box and a fire hydrant cover. I thought the kids would think I'm cool, but alas, they called me a tossa!
Someone just planked the college police car, 'sick'

TAS, 2647 posts
20 May 2011 1:04PM
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Kaleb, keep recruiting, the good thing about this is mums and dads can join in, you dont even have to be able to windsurf.
This is serious!!!! c,mon.

Jaytee, thanks for the support. you are the sort we need down here youl !!!

NSW, 4188 posts
20 May 2011 2:11PM
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What happens if my board is a sinker? Is this an above water or underwater record attempt?

TAS, 2342 posts
20 May 2011 2:28PM
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I've done my planking for the week. This x SAS army bloke made us plank non-stop for 15 minutes. Had to take a few breaks through the 15 mins things started to shake. Sorry guys but the abs need a rest.

TAS, 2433 posts
20 May 2011 2:51PM
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buzzy said...

Yesterday I planked a scrap wood box and a fire hydrant cover. I thought the kids would think I'm cool, but alas, they called me a tossa!
Someone just planked the college police car, 'sick'

Update- 4 students have been suspended for planking the police car

TAS, 1471 posts
20 May 2011 3:06PM
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buzzy said...

buzzy said...

Yesterday I planked a scrap wood box and a fire hydrant cover. I thought the kids would think I'm cool, but alas, they called me a tossa!
Someone just planked the college police car, 'sick'

Update- 4 students have been suspended for planking the police car

Geeeeeeees I'd say that's a tad rough Back in my day..

NSW, 4188 posts
20 May 2011 4:04PM
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^^^ Rough yes, but unexpected, no...

QLD, 150 posts
20 May 2011 5:51PM
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Plankers are wankers

TAS, 12 posts
20 May 2011 6:30PM
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When you called today Damo and told me this, I thought you were taking the piss. You need to work on your delivery.
Im going to be noodling for catfish on Saturday so sorry cant make it.

TAS, 2647 posts
20 May 2011 7:11PM
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Due to the extreme danger of planking, in the interests of all involved i recommend that everyone wears a PFD.
This is a serious!!!
Be there!!
c.mon wowza79, i guesss that counts you as in!!

TAS, 2433 posts
20 May 2011 7:37PM
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Yes Bear I'll have to admit the truth! I'm a wanker! But everyone already knew that! Seriously I'd have to agree with you though. So I'll see you tomorrow then
I probably wont be participating in the winsurfing planking session. I will however, be practicing planking my step ladder on SUP technique during the event. Hopefully I will be allowed to be part of the official attempt as my SUP does have a mast base attachment.

TAS, 107 posts
20 May 2011 9:11PM
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I planked for 7 hours in bed last night.
Now I'm shattered.
Couldnt possibly back it up on Saturday. Sorry.

TAS, 2433 posts
20 May 2011 9:18PM
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fatwa said...

I planked for 7 hours in bed last night.
Now I'm shattered.
Couldnt possibly back it up on Saturday. Sorry.

Jeeez man I hope you prepared for that and didnt just go out and attempt it straight up, you may have ruined your life!

TAS, 1471 posts
20 May 2011 9:33PM
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Planking's so yesterday, to mainstream for me

QLD, 150 posts
20 May 2011 10:07PM
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No doubt Mr Spanker is a planker wanker

TAS, 2647 posts
20 May 2011 10:09PM
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This is not about planking, this is about getting windsurfers of Tas together for a good old shindig in the doldrums.
we were nearly going to call the event off due to the media attention that planking has received today..... but after speaking to 'others' it has been decided to carry on.
Oh yeh jez, I suppose that means you are in. See you there

TAS, 3173 posts
20 May 2011 10:16PM
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Bear just be careful who you call a wanker....I agree most plankers are wankers but not all....
Prue has been planking for years....trains every night, goes to a planker gym, networks with other plankers and sponors planking she is putting up the 1st prize in the windsurfing planker world record breaker tomorrow which will be..........
.....wait for it.........
......a bag of salad, garanteed to turn any planker who is not already a wanker into a wanker.

Prue by the way is not a wanker....wrong gender

TAS, 2647 posts
20 May 2011 10:25PM
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thats a poor excuse, you can have your Chinese lunch "noodling for catfish".

TAS, 2433 posts
20 May 2011 10:32PM
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geared4knots said...

This is not about planking, this is about getting windsurfers of Tas together for a good old shindig in the doldrums.
Oh yeh jez, I suppose that means you are in. See you there

I thought the 'Swingers Club' fixed these problems!

TAS, 2647 posts
20 May 2011 10:54PM
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oh yeah, thats right, you in Jez?

TAS, 3173 posts
20 May 2011 11:01PM
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Prue and Henry planking while watching the the footy....they're totally addicted

TAS, 2647 posts
20 May 2011 11:16PM
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great training,

TAS, 2433 posts
20 May 2011 11:19PM
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houston said...

Prue and Henry planking while watching the the footy....they're totally addicted

Now thats cool! You got one bitchin women the Houston! And shes got ngreat muffins!

TAS, 1471 posts
21 May 2011 2:44AM
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geared4knots said...

oh yeah, thats right, you in Jez?

MMmmm sorry I think I'm busy rearranging my sock draw

TAS, 3173 posts
21 May 2011 10:54AM
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Jez what do you keep in your sock draw that could be so ineresting, the mind boggles

21 posts
21 May 2011 9:41AM
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Is the record attempt still on? I've been training all my life for this!


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"World record attempt, Dorans THIS WEEKEND!!!" started by geared4knots