Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

cremorne lagoon today

Created by geared4knots > 9 months ago, 13 Nov 2010
TAS, 2647 posts
13 Nov 2010 9:21AM
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just to let you know, lagoon about 12 knots south at the moment., maybe a ssail later?

TAS, 1651 posts
13 Nov 2010 10:56AM
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Good Work Thanks Damo
Keep us posted

Cheers Russ

TAS, 2213 posts
13 Nov 2010 11:30AM
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Might go for a look after lunch (and painting doors)

TAS, 3173 posts
13 Nov 2010 11:31PM
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Had a traffic jam on the lagoon today, must have been close to 15 sailors all up, not bad.
Speed sailors all over the place, I think Buzzy clinched the top speed and Russ was trying take advantage by using weights without telling anyone and wondering why he couldn't get plaining in a light sea breeze, next time Russ chuck on a few more weights and grap a few scollops off the bottom
Jordon, still 13 years old going on 16 was getting very close to pulling off goiters and following damo's every move, while I, a 58 year old try hard was very close to pulling off tacks, how sad is that

TAS, 2433 posts
14 Nov 2010 9:17AM
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I'm still wondering why some Kiters insist on sailing just upwind of the windsurfers or right in the middle. Don't get me wrong, they are great people and I have a lot of respect for them, however, the world over kiters are asked to stay down wind of other water users for obvious reasons. It is no real big deal at the moment and the kite guys are courteous and considerate but there is potential for a serious accident if something does go wrong in that narrow stretch of water. Keep your eyes out and if you spot a kiter that doesn't look like their experienced enough, looks out of control or is regularly dropping their Kite from the sky or insisting on parachuting(jump) in the middle of the sailing run just smile nicely and ask them to head down wind(or head way upwind). Lets keep it friendly, the kiters are a great bunch and many of them are highly experienced.

TAS, 1651 posts
14 Nov 2010 10:19AM
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Kites are heaps of fun, and I can understand why they want to get close to the Windsurfers because we are so cool. In such a confined area years ago the old kites you needed downwind space just incase you got spanked by the kite and most of the windsurf crew were into kite surfing at that time and did it in the pond and windsurfed at Clifton in the waves at that time so there was limited risk for both sports.

Sailing upwind of the windsurfers does bring much higher risks for everyone. As a kiter and windsurfer I agree with Kalub, please stay down wind of the windsurfers out of respect for everyone. modern kites having used them; are just so much easier to kite than 10 years ago. There is no need to sail upwind and impact on each others day.

Cheers Russ

TAS, 2433 posts
14 Nov 2010 10:32AM
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I deleted the bit at the end where I said they are a bunch of Tea Bag Wan&$#S that aren't coordinated enough, or have the mental capacity to windsurf. I didn't think it was appropriate to put on a public forum and I didn't want to upset the little boys with their pretty little kities

TAS, 36 posts
14 Nov 2010 11:43AM
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That was my first sail there in many years, had a good session and great to see so many out.

Took a few photos, picture quality is not so high as I had it on 'shutter burst' to get some sequences. Was lucky enough to capture the Grand Master performing a move never seen before.

Let's run through it:

Committed entry:

One hand off the boom, acknowledging the crowd on the beach:

Going round the front:

Backwinding the sail:

Elegant dismount:

TAS, 36 posts
14 Nov 2010 11:50AM
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And a few more:

TAS, 36 posts
14 Nov 2010 11:55AM
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TAS, 36 posts
14 Nov 2010 11:58AM
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TAS, 3173 posts
14 Nov 2010 5:27PM
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Is that 1st sequence Damo the freestyle king performing his top manouver, a one handed finger in the air tack duck, looks pretty cool mate

TAS, 2342 posts
14 Nov 2010 6:39PM
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buzzy said...

I'm still wondering why some Kiters insist on sailing just upwind of the windsurfers or right in the middle. Don't get me wrong, they are great people and I have a lot of respect for them, however, the world over kiters are asked to stay down wind of other water users for obvious reasons. It is no real big deal at the moment and the kite guys are courteous and considerate but there is potential for a serious accident if something does go wrong in that narrow stretch of water. Keep your eyes out and if you spot a kiter that doesn't look like their experienced enough, looks out of control or is regularly dropping their Kite from the sky or insisting on parachuting(jump) in the middle of the sailing run just smile nicely and ask them to head down wind(or head way upwind). Lets keep it friendly, the kiters are a great bunch and many of them are highly experienced.

I don't think the kiters have any idea they're supposed to stay downwind from us. After talking to Dave Wendell Smith down at Marion last week, he said the windsurfers don't like us going upwind from them, they get a bit aggressive about it......I wonder why.....obviously they don't know the safety rules, which is a worry.

3 posts
15 Nov 2010 4:23PM
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Great to see so many sailboards out on the lagoon on Saturday. So many in fact, it inspired me, (presently a kiter....who was at the lagoon on Saturday....) to check out this forum.

I apologise if my kiting upwind made other sailors feel unsafe. My perception was that I was mostly well upwind, and not causing any menace. And when others were near, I made an effort to duck to leeward or put my kite very high in the sky and kite conservatively.

Maybe as a kiter it is easy to become too comfortable with the risks posed by a kite, so I wil take this reminder on board. See you on the water.


TAS, 1471 posts
15 Nov 2010 8:50PM
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Looks like you guys had a great sail and day at the lagoon. Wish I could have been there but was in Vic for the week, got a sail down at greens point in about 25 knots which was good fun.

Nice Pics and PB's in the team challange

QLD, 134 posts
22 Nov 2010 9:00AM
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Hi guys,
A few of the kiters have drawn my attention to this thread – wow looks like I missed a great session!!

As a kiter, I really enjoy and have a great deal of respect for the windsurfing crew (it’s even changed my salad shopping habits – I only buy Houston!). There has always been a great vibe between the two sports I think because quite a few kiters come from a windsurfing background (and it attracts like minded people). I always get a buzz seeing Kazza ripping on the water and like most kiters, am grateful to Damien who has repaired numerous kites!

I thought I’d just explain a bit about the rules we adhere to and why kiters will probably be miffed regarding staying downwind of windsurfers at the pond. As a general safety rule, we aim to steer clear and down wind of other beach users – esp swimmers, surfers etc. However, in an area such as the pond where there are other watercraft (such as yourselves) sailing in a small space, we apply the rules of the road or for wavesailing (when on a break). This has been my experience when I’ve kited OS and interstate with decent windsurfing and kiter populations together on surf breaks or confined areas – there maybe some spots with local separation rules but I’ve not come across these. This is for general sailing only and when kiters pass upwind, they should allow decent room and keep their kites as high as possible. The big ticket safety item that all kiters should know and adhere to is with regards to jumping (boosting). We should allow about 40-50 M of clear down wind space before boosting. We have an association (TKSA) to keep the peace and promote safe kiting so if there are instances where kiters are jumping close to and upwind of windsurfers – pls let us know. More than happy to get some crew together and meet up for a beer / coffee and discuss things more, esp if you guys feel there may be issues emerging :). In the mean time we’ll spread the word for kiters to give windsurfers a wide berth and be sure to let a kiter know if you're not comfortable on the water (we're a friendly bunch) Happy sailing - hopefully we're in for a geat summer.


TAS, 2342 posts
22 Nov 2010 4:24PM
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Hey Lisa, another girl on the forums, that's a whole 3 of us. Being a former kiter I feel comfortable sailing amongst you guys, because I can work out who to wary of and who's in control. Most kiters seem in control, I haven't sailed amongst any beginner kiters this year, but in the past they're the scarey ones to be around. Trying to jump in front of you then stuffing it up and lines, kite, them are out of control and I think why did you do that only 5 metres away from me. I have horrible visions of kite lines being wrapped around my neck when I'm the innocent one, just out there having a sail. Anyway I think you pro's are teaching them to be a bit more responsible. It's good to have all of us out there enjoying what we all love and working with each other.
Also I suppose back in the old days when we were learning to kiteboard nobody was windsurfing in the lagoon any more, we'd all taken up kiteboarding so we didn't have the problem.

TAS, 56 posts
22 Nov 2010 9:13PM
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In reply to lisa's comments on sharing the water and looking out 4 each other, i fully agree and its good to see some more ladies out there on the water, although i am a bit old fashioned in that i think the ladies are better suited to the kitchen and household chores and so forth. Still good to see them on the course as long as they leave me alone and give me some space, i mean they are only human im pretty darn irresistable.

QLD, 134 posts
23 Nov 2010 12:13PM
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Kazza said...
Hey Lisa, another girl on the forums, that's a whole 3 of us.

Yewwww - there's another one?? haha awesome Yeah, we'll definitely keep a watchful eye out for beginners - Having Pete as a qualified instructor seems to have already made a big difference to beginner skills and knowledge.

MRspanker said...

In reply to lisa's comments on sharing the water and looking out 4 each other, i fully agree and its good to see some more ladies out there on the water, although i am a bit old fashioned in that i think the ladies are better suited to the kitchen and household chores and so forth. Still good to see them on the course as long as they leave me alone and give me some space, i mean they are only human im pretty darn irresistable.

Hey Simon - yeah, true, it's always been difficult pulling onto an awesome wave and resisting the sudden urge to make a salad. I'll workshop your irrisistability with a professional so hopefully I will have the right skills for coping on the water...we both know it will be tough.

TAS, 3173 posts
23 Nov 2010 11:48PM
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Hicko, keep eating salads, I need another board

TAS, 61 posts
24 Nov 2010 7:24AM
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Most of the windsurfer's I know are really nice people,

Working in a gym I like to throw heavy things at people that ask about "step "
When riding my bike I try and run rollerbladers off bike paths or foot paths,
Iv'e brought James Squire for complete strangers that I've seen drinking crown lager,
when kiting in the pond I love to park my kite just upwind of windsurfers depriving them of wind,
Cause there is nothing sadder than a 60 year old with tie-die flare's, a pony tail and a bald patch.

56 knots fella's!!!

PS. Am I the only person that see's the irony in "speed" sailers talking about rules in an area with a 5 knot speed limit?

Note: some of this may not be true.

TAS, 2433 posts
24 Nov 2010 10:18AM
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cramhobart said...

Most of the windsurfer's I know are really nice people,

Working in a gym I like to throw heavy things at people that ask about "step "
When riding my bike I try and run rollerbladers off bike paths or foot paths,
Iv'e brought James Squire for complete strangers that I've seen drinking crown lager,
when kiting in the pond I love to park my kite just upwind of windsurfers depriving them of wind,
Cause there is nothing sadder than a 60 year old with tie-die flare's, a pony tail and a bald patch.

56 knots fella's!!!

Note: some of this may not be true.

I presume your your closing statement refers to your opening statement

While at work I like to plan steps for my classes!

When I drive home I like to run bike riders over!(because they're probably a kite boarder)

When drinkin crownies with my tradie mates I llike to throw the james Squires back into the face of the bald gym Junkie that just bought me a drink and tried to crack onto me.

Because theres nothin sadder than a bike riding bald(no pony tail) tanned gym junkie wearing shorts(not flares), buying girly drinks for tradesmen at the pub.

Mark, 56 is most definately an awesome ballsy effort, theres no way i'd want to attach myself to a parachute and let it drag me down wind out of control at that speed

TAS, 61 posts
24 Nov 2010 12:15PM
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buzzy said...

cramhobart said...

Most of the windsurfer's I know are really nice people,

Working in a gym I like to throw heavy things at people that ask about "step "
When riding my bike I try and run rollerbladers off bike paths or foot paths,
Iv'e brought James Squire for complete strangers that I've seen drinking crown lager,
when kiting in the pond I love to park my kite just upwind of windsurfers depriving them of wind,
Cause there is nothing sadder than a 60 year old with tie-die flare's, a pony tail and a bald patch.

56 knots fella's!!!

Note: some of this may not be true.

I presume your your closing statement refers to your opening statement

While at work I like to plan steps for my classes!

When I drive home I like to run bike riders over!(because they're probably a kite boarder)

When drinkin crownies with my tradie mates I llike to throw the james Squires back into the face of the bald gym Junkie that just bought me a drink and tried to crack onto me.

Because theres nothin sadder than a bike riding bald(no pony tail) tanned gym junkie wearing shorts(not flares), buying girly drinks for tradesmen at the pub.

Mark, 56 is most definately an awesome ballsy effort, theres no way i'd want to attach myself to a parachute and let it drag me down wind out of control at that speed

While I may have tried to crack on to several pole dancers- your not one of them.

TAS, 2433 posts
24 Nov 2010 12:56PM
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TAS, 52 posts
24 Nov 2010 9:56PM
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Wow, have i started something or what ??? Sooo looking forward to the next session in the pond !!!

All this talk of salad munchers, tea bag wankers, bald gym junkies, beer swilling tradies and 5 knot speed limits is getting me ........... best leave it there.


TAS, 2433 posts
24 Nov 2010 11:12PM
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Oh! Bugger I didn't see the bit about 5 knot speed limits, dam. Missed my chance there.

But you are right I must get onto mast and complain about the speed of boats going through the channel, they keep making wake while I'm trying to get over 34 knots!

I think maybe they get a bit to close to us so I think they should not be allowed to use the windsurfers channel if we're sailing. Good point mark and mick can you chase that up with mast[}:)][}:)]

TAS, 61 posts
25 Nov 2010 8:09AM
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buzzy said...

Oh! Bugger I didn't see the bit about 5 knot speed limits, dam. Missed my chance there.

But you are right I must get onto mast and complain about the speed of boats going through the channel, they keep making wake while I'm trying to get over 34 knots!

I think maybe they get a bit to close to us so I think they should not be allowed to use the windsurfers channel if we're sailing. Good point mark and mick can you chase that up with mast[}:)][}:)]

Now my memory's not great so correct me if I'm wrong but didn't mark paul get a antarctica up to 34 at long reef back in the day??


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"cremorne lagoon today" started by geared4knots