Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

lets lock more of tassie up, not.

Created by appleman > 9 months ago, 9 Jan 2013
TAS, 443 posts
9 Jan 2013 1:44PM
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Have just recived info about another proposal to bollard off, and gate ,cremorne lagoon, honeywood drv acsess up to boat ramp.old Boy (president) houston has been contacted and will have more info soon. What is going on in this state, I vote,(no more fun police) anyway we must And, will act, info tonight.

TAS, 443 posts
10 Jan 2013 5:30PM
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Here is a copy of the letter the honeywood drive residents received last week.

I now leave this to the president and seceratry of windsurfing tas to organise appropriate actions


TAS, 2213 posts
10 Jan 2013 7:35PM
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United we will stand!
We will fight them on the beaches.......etc

Sounds like bs to me, but I don't know what goes on there at night.
If we can't stop them, I'm sure WT can put up a good argument for paid up members to each get a key.

TAS, 2433 posts
10 Jan 2013 9:14PM
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We are onto it! I'll let everyone know whats happening on Friday. Good work Veitzy

TAS, 3173 posts
10 Jan 2013 9:42PM
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Well done Veitzy, Kaleb has already sent off an email to DPIPWE and I'm trying to organise a meeting with some of the residents who worked with us opposing the recent proposed development of the reserve.
I'm sure most of the residents welcome us as we helped save the lagoon last year.
Kaleb and I will keep you posted

TAS, 2433 posts
10 Jan 2013 9:51PM
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Houston, I've sent you another email or 2

TAS, 2213 posts
10 Jan 2013 10:11PM
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" owners using the public reserve to access the rear of their properties..."

But then they can "apply for a key to the gate"? That negates that argument.

Dust in water tanks? bs

Unless a local cleans up the rubbish every morning, I've never seen any.

Vehicles staying for long periods of time? They are gone by the time I get there for a seabreeze.

Campers - maybe, don't know, but they leave no trace, unless the local cleans up after them.

TAS, 1471 posts
10 Jan 2013 11:16PM
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easty said...
" owners using the public reserve to access the rear of their properties..."

But then they can "apply for a key to the gate"? That negates that argument.

Dust in water tanks? bs

Unless a local cleans up the rubbish every morning, I've never seen any.

Vehicles staying for long periods of time? They are gone by the time I get there for a seabreeze.

Campers - maybe, don't know, but they leave no trace, unless the local cleans up after them.

That's exactly what i thought easty

TAS, 104 posts
11 Jan 2013 12:42AM
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So why the nth end and not the sth end? someone in the nth end houses has a bee in their bonnet about something/nothing? ive never seen any rubbish left there.
The argument that Clarence council doesnt have any interest in this area doesnt make any f.....g sense, if thats so why worry about it, or bollard off Cremorne lagoon except near the jetty, wankers, its public reserve so that means public, not for the sole enjoyment of the residents.

TAS, 2433 posts
11 Jan 2013 9:51AM
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This proposal is not going ahead at this stage, it was only one idea floated after residents started complaining about idiots driving too fast in and out regularly, and yes some of you are guilty of this.

At the moment nothing is happening and Crown Land Services is waiting to hear back from a meeting between WT commitee representatives and the local residents.

Please DO NOT contact the person listed on the letter, he has jumped the gun and produced a flawed document that has no weight or baring on the outcome for the area.

There is no money but after several complaints from residents Crown Land has to be seen to be addressing the residents concerns over an area they manage.

Stay tuned and sit tight!

TAS, 2647 posts
11 Jan 2013 9:57AM
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Thats amazing that not one thing in that letter is true.
We have all used this area and know what goes on there but some 'local' can complain and they must believe it!!.
Perhaps a first line of defense would have been 5km/hr, no dumping of rubbish signs and road base on the track?.

What a bunch of wankers!

TAS, 267 posts
11 Jan 2013 10:48AM
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One resident last year had a go at me for driving on the street, as his daughter was running around looking for a lost animal. I was doing at most 10km/hr (in a 40km/hr zone mind you) as I had just turned on the bitumen. I answered what do you want me to do, push my car?? Because I had gear on my roof I was the target of unnecessary verbal abuse, I didn't complain but I wonder if I did would the residents be banned from living there?

The thought of blocking this area off seems illogical, why not ask the users (us) to look after the area once a year?? We provide the man power to make the place more beautiful for everyone to use?? The council provide whatever they want us to make the place more suitable? (gravel, trees, grass, irrigation, whatever)

Anyway, thanks el Presidento and Buzzy for your quick action and Appleman for bring this to our attention.


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"lets lock more of tassie up, not." started by appleman