Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

more broken bones

Created by tasflyer > 9 months ago, 8 Apr 2012
TAS, 48 posts
8 Apr 2012 2:21PM
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Just got back from the hospital where they confirmed a broken bone in my foot sustained yesterday (Sat 7th) at Dorans. Following David Jacks' example from the pre-ceding weekend I went over the handlebars in the straps landing a chop jump nose first. On the plus side had an excellent hour or so sailing in fun Dorans conditions before it happened. On the downside will be six weeks in a boot thng and still need a CAT scan to see if there is other damage to the ligaments, etc.

In terms of lessons to be learned:-

If you an out of control muppet like me its best not to jump hooked in.
I probbaly had my front foot straps a bit loose which meant my feet slid into the straps all the way to the ankle. I reckon that increases the risk in such a prang.
You may as well sail mast high BOL at Marrawah as its just as easy to axe yourself on a two foot bit of chop at Dorans :-)

Anyway enjoy the rest of the wndy conditions everyone and try not to boost the coffers of the Hobart Orthopaedic businesses any further.


TAS, 160 posts
8 Apr 2012 4:28PM
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All the best Marion - wow - 2 down in two weeks. It's funny you mentioned the footstraps because on the day I had my accident I decided not to wear booties for the first time in ages. I did adjust my straps but never felt comfortable - how's that for a pathetic excuse!!

Let's hope the guys on the west coast get back un-scathed - looks like it is going to be full on.

I posted some pictures of my leg - see Tas photos section. Check out the bruising - apparently I did some hamstring damage as well.

Rest up - not much else we can do.

TAS, 1651 posts
8 Apr 2012 7:45PM
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Sorry to hear this, What a day of pain
Hope things mend soon for you
I think you will be able to rest up over winter ready to go again in spring.
Rest up and I hope the ligaments are fine. Keep posting your progress back to the water.

Cheers Russ

TAS, 48 posts
9 Apr 2012 2:07PM
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Geeze Dave, checked out your photos. Totally amazing you didn't snap your hammy altogether ! Obviously some serious forces involved ! Interestig your comment about the footstraps. Boys and girls reading this, if you think your footstraps are adjusted too loose - go tighten them right now ! (or be doomed to join Dave and my broken windsurfers macrame group )

Russ, thanks for the comments. Expect will have a bit more time to cruise this forum for a while.


TAS, 1992 posts
9 Apr 2012 9:34PM
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What a bummer Marlon, hope it heals OK. I broke one of the bones in my foot landing a jump wrong at Dorans. Really painfull and for the first 4 weeks, never thought it would heal, but kept it elevated, did everyhting you're meant to do in terms of slowly putting weight on it and was back in the water after 6 weeks as it suddenly felt OK. Been good ever since.

TAS, 3173 posts
10 Apr 2012 12:01AM
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Tasflyer what a s$$%t and at Dorans, lucky it's not the beginniing of the season, hope you haven't done too much ligamant damage

We might have to set up a play pen at Doran's for you and Cracker, if we set it up next to the water you can photos of us having fun
We kicked Cracker when he was down so it's only fair we do the same to you

TAS, 2647 posts
10 Apr 2012 9:17AM
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Bad luck Marlon,
hope you heal quickly. Matt also badly injured his wrist that day, hope thats ok?

Not sure about this footstrap thing though, dont everyone whos going for jumps go tightenning there straps up in fear of foot injuries.
From what i have read and seen all top freestylers, wave sailors have them quite loose so they can move their feet in them and also get out of them easily. Tight straps hold your feet in solid and you cant release. Ive sailed with over tight straps before and felt very unsafe!Dont know about the race guys though? daves leg

TAS, 3173 posts
10 Apr 2012 9:25PM
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The real story goes....and it had nothing to do with windsurfing:
Tasflyer asked Cracker to bend over in the bath and pick up his rubber ducky........ Cracker agreeably obliged and Tasflyer checked out his asre..........well Cracker thought he was onto something till Flyer foolishly told him he had a fat arse and nobody should ever tell nobody they got a fat arse..........Cracker smacked the Flyer and the frackus ended up with two broken legs


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"more broken bones" started by tasflyer