Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

sailing down south at Easter

Created by TASSIEROCKS > 9 months ago, 3 Apr 2012
TAS, 1651 posts
3 Apr 2012 8:52PM
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Ok ok I'm not hardcore wavesailing man anymore (more like bump and jump sailor in the day) but I would still like to have a wave sail down south over Easter. Any sugestion on locations and is anyone keen to join me in the waves?


TAS, 3173 posts
3 Apr 2012 9:49PM
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buzzy said...

SW, SSW, WSW are all good directions for Marawah. and W can be great fun at Greens. NWand N are crap. NE, ENE can be ok but gusty and very swell dependant.
Jez with SW, WSW there are no better options than heading to Marawah. This post is for Marawah...... there is no other option

TAS, 1651 posts
4 Apr 2012 4:47AM
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Thanks Houston

I think it will be gps sailing down south friday Marion? Pit water? and early Saturday Dorans now

monday and tuesday look very good up north and no wind down South

TAS, 1471 posts
4 Apr 2012 4:02PM
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I could be keen for some or all days, just need to see what the wind is going to do closer to Friday/weekend. When its fronts like this the forecast can change so quickly.. Looking forward to hopefully a REALLY good sail somewhere

TAS, 1651 posts
6 Apr 2012 11:41AM
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I am going down to Marion later Firday today

TAS, 2213 posts
6 Apr 2012 6:18PM
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Hope you had a good one Russ! Would rather be doing that than working all easter!
Hopefully next weekend might be good.

TAS, 1471 posts
6 Apr 2012 7:56PM
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No wind at Marion later this arvo, I called in on the way back from Nubeena about 4.30pm and there wasnt much at all!

Tomorrow morning really early is looking good though

TAS, 542 posts
7 Apr 2012 9:52AM
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Hey guys,
Looks like we'll be doing an impromptu trip to Sandford Sun/Mon to visit some friends, and it looks like I'll be painfully close to spots that I think you guys sail.
I've got my new-old Futura 111 (thanks Jez) that I'll be a full noob on, so thought I might pack it, just in case I get a leave pass for an hour or two and get some water time standing beside it.
So ideally I'd like something onshore and shallow real close to sandford. Mortimer Bay looks super close to where we'll be, and from space (google earth) looks quite shallow? Also, I know it as Ralphs bay, but is this the same spot that everyone calls Dorans Road?

What about Cremorne Lagoon? Now I really want to do up a guide to Tassie Spots, how and where would I launch in Cremorne?
Hopefully I might bump into some of you - although I have no idea even when and if I'll get on the water.
Appreciate any advice.

TAS, 2646 posts
7 Apr 2012 6:23PM
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Hello John
cremore lagoon is accessed down Honeywood drive ( it is on your left as you go down the South Arm hwy. Has to be southerly - south east to sail here.
Mortimer bay and dorans road ( ralphs bay) are different spots. Dorans is sailed in nw to sw. Mortimers is more south- south west.
All three places are shallow and easy places to sail and within 5 minutes of each other. Wear booties as oysters are nasty on bear feet!
PS. Mortimers is a lumpy track accessed off Gellibrand drive.
Jez can be your tour guide if you need one , part of the package!!..

TAS, 1651 posts
8 Apr 2012 9:15AM
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What a blast at Dorans Yesterday

good fun for all

now lookig forward to a Sunday sail

TAS, 542 posts
8 Apr 2012 9:59AM
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Bugger - will I need booties for all these spots around Sandford?

TAS, 1471 posts
8 Apr 2012 10:22AM
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What a blast at Dorans Yesterday

good fun for all

now lookig forward to a Sunday sail

Good fun yesterday Can you sail this arvo now Russ I'm keen for a blast around lunchtime or after, should get some wind keen to use the new 135 litre but may be a bit windy

TAS, 1471 posts
8 Apr 2012 10:25AM
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JohnnyHuett said...

Bugger - will I need booties for all these spots around Sandford?

You do really need booties for all spots around this area because if they arent oysters there's sharp rocks. I have a spare pair that you can borrow if your foot isnt to big! I will be sailing at Dorans later today and tomorrow if there's any wind around. I'll put a spare pair in the van just in case you come over..

TAS, 726 posts
8 Apr 2012 10:39AM
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Jez, we could try the new footless booties dad has, called ankle warmers
god bless and good morning

TAS, 1651 posts
8 Apr 2012 12:05PM
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Hi jez,

family day today but still keen to Monday.

cheers Russ

TAS, 1471 posts
8 Apr 2012 12:14PM
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Hi jez,

family day today but still keen to Monday.

cheers Russ

I thought you meant Monday when you said Sunday

TAS, 542 posts
8 Apr 2012 5:19PM
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Called passed dorans this arvo to check out the spots and spent 20 mins watching 4guys cutting a serious caper!
Got some pretty good photos I think too, a couple of some guy doing some nice chop jumps :-)
..sorry I missed the attempted forward loop!
I'll put some up when I get home tomorrow.
Sorry jez, not sure I'll get on the water as I've sustained some gluteal injuries whilst sitting stationary at goaty hill wine and jazz festival yesterday..,.never leave your feet on the esky for longer than 2 hours or you end up stretching hammies, and glutes far too much!
Drove into Mortimer bay, looked wicked flat too compared to dorans, I know it's got to be full tide though yea?
Bloody itching to get on the futura dammit!

TAS, 542 posts
9 Apr 2012 6:29PM
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Just a couple of the guys - Sorry, I have no idea who you are, I couldn't hang around.
I do have a couple more of each sailer if you want them I can either upload them or email them to you?
I also took some video, nothing special though, let me know if you want it guys.

Hopefully these images work - first time adding images here.

TAS, 487 posts
9 Apr 2012 8:21PM
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nice pics Johnny shame you didnt get out..Dorans is a great place to sail

TAS, 1471 posts
9 Apr 2012 8:42PM
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Johnny pity you couldn't get out while you were down, we have some great spots down here Yesterday Dorans certainly wasnt at its best as the wind was a bit to much from the North which makes it really inconsistent and gutsty Would be great if you could put the rest of the pics up and even the video

TAS, 542 posts
10 Apr 2012 12:52PM
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Yea, you guys seem to have some awesome spots! It's a shame its so far away, to get back into some good sailing, especially with a new board it would be ideal.
Is there any etiquette on uploading images here, or you guys happy with me just to upload them all?

Apologies for the unedited video and the wind, but it's watch-able enough! :-)

TAS, 1471 posts
10 Apr 2012 1:37PM
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Thanks for the video no etiquette just upload them all


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"sailing down south at Easter" started by TASSIEROCKS