Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

sunday 5th?

Created by easty > 9 months ago, 6 Apr 2013
TAS, 2213 posts
7 Apr 2013 12:44AM
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Looks pretty ****e. Bugger. Got back from PNG last night, had been keen on a NE seabreeze for Marion today, but after a month away I had child soccer duties until 2.00, then had to take them to Port Arthur to do Scottish Highland Dancing at a fundraising military tattoo. Could see a good seabreeze on the bay as we drove down to Dunally. I mention this as a good argument for birth control.
Any hope Sunday?

TAS, 3173 posts
7 Apr 2013 10:18AM
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A very light southerly coming in this arvo ideal for beginners so I'm going down for a play and fiddle with my light wind tacks and jibes.....and a drink

TAS, 620 posts
7 Apr 2013 1:01PM
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I heard a rumour that Houston is always playing with his light gear!!!!

TAS, 3173 posts
7 Apr 2013 8:55PM
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Iceman said...
I heard a rumour that Houston is always playing with his light gear!!!!

That's enough jibes from you Iceman

TAS, 3173 posts
7 Apr 2013 9:16PM
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Slipped down to the Pond for a splash and found these two young guns on the water....................second day and they're pulling off jibes and took me 30 years!!!!!!!
Awesome effect Josh and Harry

TAS, 2342 posts
8 Apr 2013 10:21AM
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I think the boom looked a bit low for the poor blonde guy, he looked a bit cramped up.

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
8 Apr 2013 8:01PM
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I've finally got motivated to sign up and post. Always inspiring to see kids on the water. Some 'team cook' shots.
This is actually Gillian I appear to have logged in under Alan's name.

Theo ( age 6 )

Sanden ( age 8 )


Sienna & Al

Sienna ( age 10 )

TAS, 172 posts
8 Apr 2013 9:03PM
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Love the pics Gill, that sail Theo is using has got to be the smallest sail i have ever seen!!

TAS, 708 posts
8 Apr 2013 11:29PM
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Great pictures, awesome to see the sport keep progressing!

TAS, 3173 posts
9 Apr 2013 12:54AM
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Nice shots Gillie looks like they're ready for Bell Buoy

TAS, 542 posts
9 Apr 2013 9:24AM
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Yea great pic's Gill.
I think the Tamar crew is going to grow exponentially over the next few years. With team Cook leading the charge and spreading the Windsurfing love on the Lagoon, we'll be fighting for rigging room on the lush grass soon :-) Just the way we want it really!
I hope to have my team following your team around next season, I've started the human growth hormone treatment

TAS, 367 posts
9 Apr 2013 11:11AM
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The Itty Bitty 0.9 sail is an alternative to Human Growth Hormone.
You are welcome to borrow it.

TAS, 194 posts
9 Apr 2013 2:00PM
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Awe Gill dats sooo tute !!!!
I hear there is a guy who owns a surf shop in Charles St Lonny who is grooming little kiddie/munchkins/tiddlywinks/peas/chickens/poppets for the future suurvival of his surf shop empire and a juicey retirement plan!!! Look at what he has done to James he has created a monster all he wants to do is upgrade his gear at Planet Surf !!!!

TAS, 367 posts
9 Apr 2013 4:26PM
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Parkster ... You have sust zee secret plan.
Next phase world domination.
Mwhaa.. ha. ha. ha. haaaaaa....

TAS, 194 posts
9 Apr 2013 4:35PM
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Mmmmmm Gillianv who is this mysterious Gillianv I think this may be a Planet Surf setup Watson !!!!!!!

Al Planet
TAS, 1546 posts
9 Apr 2013 6:33PM
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Parkster said...
Awe Gill dats sooo tute !!!!
I hear there is a guy who owns a surf shop in Charles St Lonny who is grooming little kiddie/munchkins/tiddlywinks/peas/chickens/poppets for the future suurvival of his surf shop empire and a juicey retirement plan!!! Look at what he has done to James he has created a monster all he wants to do is upgrade his gear at Planet Surf !!!!

I am pretty sure that if I created a monster it would look a bit like this.....pretty hard to miss at the dinner table....

TAS, 542 posts
12 Apr 2013 12:00PM
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Found some pics from our week at Boat Harbour in January.
My 7 1/2yo toughguy handled the 2.5m Fanatic pretty well in the 10-12knot gusts.

TAS, 1664 posts
12 Apr 2013 2:17PM
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really great start them in the waves
we need more adrenilin based sailors, rather than flat SNAG's


Forums > Windsurfing Tasmania

"sunday 5th?" started by easty