Catching a pleasant afternoon seabreeze at Inverloch on Saturday when my missus starts waving at me from the shore. I waved back and carried on. She carried on waving so I came in - thinking she'd got me a coffee (nice idea). Alas, our mut had gone foraging and had come back with some fishing line in her chops. After a gentle tug, it was obvious that the line was caught - probably hooked in. Doh...only been on the water for an hour and day's windsurfing finished. No vets open in Inverloch so had to take her to the emergency centre in Hallam....good job we did - 2 inch hook lodged in her stomach lining - barb nicely hooked in.
24 hours later we were presented with a drugged up pooch, complete with a dozen stitches in her stomach, and a bill for $2.5k. Fortunately insured for 80% of it - but worth thinking about if you take your own muts out with you...still went to Inverloch again yesterday though (picked the dog up on the way back home)
Yikes!..... Sorry to hear about the dog Croweman, and the bill. That's about the price of a new board or a couple of sails!
We keep thinking about taking our dog to the beach but after that story it's probably a wise move not too.
Good to hear you managed to get back (to Inverloch) the next day however... and that the pooch is ok.
Hey Croweman
Fishing line and hook are no substitutes for a proper harness. Next time you want to take your pooch out on the board no half measures
Seriously - sorry to hear about your pooch - and ouch to the pocket