Could be worse the forecast could be for rain and no wind! I am sure I will still find something to keep me entertained if we have no wind.
Sitting on the edge of Sandy Inlet... that's a paddlin....
Drinking beers on the beach... that's a paddlin.....
Wetting a line and waiting for a bite.... that's a paddlin....
Getting on an SUP.... that's definitely a paddlin.....
Anyone know if Jodi is coming down?
Well it might be good on Sat @ the gap with it being NE, and I have found that the Bouy Weather forecast is nearly always spot on!
I should add that Ginger's nuts will be on the line!
South Coast Boardriders have their 'Retro Rego' day on Sunday at Sandy Point. Will be set up opposite the general store. Starts at 10am and doesnt look like there'll be any wind then (unfortunately) so get your old school single fins & twins waxed up and have a paddle with the locals. Should be great fun. Hopefully an Easterly kicks in in the arvo.