Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

IWC Beginners Clinic/RPS Naish Demo Day

Created by Old Salty > 9 months ago, 17 Oct 2011
VIC, 148 posts
21 Oct 2011 5:00PM
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@DanP - If you are there Sunday let's catch up and see what we can organise... Wouldn't happen to have a matching mast too LOL. Will see how the kids go and if they want to give it a crack. Mick was telling me about the road trips... I am up for that !

@red - I've heard about Swan Bay... seriously I am interested in trying a few different spots, especially west as I live near Caroline Springs. I am still quite noob, so am liking flatish water where possible.

Well it's knock off time... packing the caravan and heading down SE !!

VIC, 738 posts
21 Oct 2011 5:05PM
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FiremanSam said...

@red - I've heard about Swan Bay... seriously I am interested in trying a few different spots, especially west as I live near Caroline Springs. I am still quite noob, so am liking flatish water where possible.

Well it's knock off time... packing the caravan and heading down SE !!


you're much closer to this side of town and we have every direction covered for flat water. The only requirement is a weed fin. Point henry, Lake connewarre and swan bay are sensational spots for beginners... Just let me know... and dont get too friendly with those cafe latte sipping prima donnas over east!!!

VIC, 317 posts
21 Oct 2011 5:35PM
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red said...

FiremanSam said...

Hi All,

For those who might be heading over from 'da westside'... remember the tunnel will be closed from 9pm Saturday to 9am Sunday...

Don't want to be late !

See you there.

Fireman Sam....

You do know there is some ok water down this way as well....??? Apparently down Geelong way there's some good windsurfing... But its soooo far to travel! Funny how people will travel 1.5 hours to get to Invy but wont travel 1 hour down our way... Apart from some desperate Inverloch Boys (you all know who you are!)

Love the west; eels, urchins and octopus, I never go home hungry

VIC, 737 posts
21 Oct 2011 6:00PM
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nazsail said...

Love the west; eels, urchins and octopus

Sounds like a typical night on the town with Red and the Geelong crew......!

Nah, seriously Fireman, you gotta join us on a trip to Pt Henry or Swan Bay. If you like flat water, you'll be blown away by these spots....and the locals aren't that bad....

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
22 Oct 2011 10:25AM
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Fireman have you ever seen irridescent blue mud before? Swan Bay is the place to go.
It melts fins

VIC, 317 posts
22 Oct 2011 8:22PM
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The Inlet was excellent today. Flat water, low tide and a pumping 5kts. Still there were half dozen down for a friendly sail.
What was the name of the ray again mick, X or Gamma. Should call them Bruce.

VIC, 737 posts
22 Oct 2011 11:30PM
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nazsail said...

What was the name of the ray again mick, X or Gamma. Should call them Bruce.

I think I called him "Sugar" although I'm quite keen on "Ray Martin".
Sugar/ray martin assures me that he is happy to help out with
Beginners, particularly the bit about staying up on your board.

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
24 Oct 2011 10:20AM
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Fantastic day was had by all despite the lack of wind. Big thanks has got to go to RPS and Naish for providing us with a look at the 2012 gear. Warwick and Brendan and helpers did a great job of setting up and talking to us about the latest gear and giving us a crack on it. Pity that Naish awning had to go back. It looked real good in the back of Drift's Van.
Big thanks to Dan and Simon for their time on the water with the beginners. We saw four kids and two adults give it a go and within a short time we had them up and going and turning around. Ian and Cara our BBQ master chefs cooked up a storm - well done and thanks to Mick for his mastery with the camera.
We saw 30 plus people rock up, despite the lack of wind, who were all out for a ball - it was great to see you and my apologies if I did not get around to you all and say hello.
To the advanced beginners that rocked up but we could not do much with you due to lack of wind we will squeeze you into the next clinic on Intermediates where there will be plenty of wind to get those beach starts happening.
In the morning with the lack of wind and a trailer load of SUP's the Inlet was rocking with weird dudes standing up on boards with no sails racing around markers and the sand spit. It was great to see Natasha jump on a board and take to the water like a duck despite her previous shyness to getting wet. Special mention has to go to Natasha (and I guess Fireman Sam for bringing her along) for her catering prowess on the Saturday where offers of lunch and chocolate cake was given freely. Fireman perhaps we could organise things a little better and put Natasha on a SUP so she could do on water delivery of said cake and Lattes thus not disrupting our sailing time too much
In the afternoon the wind picked up to 10 kts and Inlet was taken over by more normal craft that had sails - mind you it was longboard territory and when the longboards come out so do a few pirates There where a few attempted dockings, boardings, walk the plank and general skull duggery going on to make it a fun afternoon. Pete and Dan had the Wally's out and as usual in these conditions left the short boards for dead. I can see a few sailors heading for Ebay checking these 30 year old wonders out.
Highlights for me was hearing a proud Dad tell the story of how his son could not sleep the night before and was up early watching "Beginner to Winner" DVD. Watch out Lozza - future world champion coming up.
Well done to all and we look forward to our next clinic with the Intermediates on the 20th November.

VIC, 737 posts
24 Oct 2011 12:14PM
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Some pics from the day

Subtle Product Placement!

Simon and Jono with some rigging tips

The Angling Club surrounded by boards

Dan gives Mat a few tips on how to sail better than his old man

Old Salty on the K-15

So Wooz, without trying to influence your decision, the question is will you let us keep the boards?

Oldie avoids the carnage

Mick and Doug have a quiet chat!

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
24 Oct 2011 12:21PM
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Geez - I got hair

K Dog
VIC, 1847 posts
24 Oct 2011 2:22PM
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drift said...

Mick and Doug have a quiet chat!

hahaha - funny pic. Chat about kiting perhaps?

VIC, 148 posts
24 Oct 2011 2:52PM
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What a glorious weekend... Once again a big shout out to DanP for spending most of the day with the kids. My sons only stopped talking about it when they crashed in the back seat for the drive home ! Also thanks to Doug (and the suppliers) for their posters and the opportunity to try gear - including getting Mrs Fireman Sam on a SUP !

@OldSalty - Don't give her ideas ! Tash cooks VERY well - there's a reason I used to be 120kgs ! Best part of being married to a wog (said with all respect )

VIC, 605 posts
24 Oct 2011 3:33PM
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Thanks to all that came down to Inverloch yesterday.

It was great to catch up with the crew, and share some water time.

I trust everyone who jumped on a sup [ sail or not] enjoyed themselves.

Also thanks to Aidan from Naish as well as Naish stalwart , DJ, who provided many of you with info on the range.

VIC, 64 posts
24 Oct 2011 5:34PM
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Thanks again Dan ( BMC ) You were great with Matt so much so he is hassling me already to get him some gear. Great to see a new generation and yes I'm sure he wil be showing up his old man very soon. If he does a helitack before me though he can walk home

VIC, 317 posts
24 Oct 2011 5:42PM
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Fun, fun, fun. Definately need one of those SUPs for Mel.
Good to see Stevie Ray V. out keeping the beginners on their boards.

VIC, 737 posts
25 Oct 2011 11:59AM
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nazsail said...

Fun, fun, fun. Definately need one of those SUPs for Mel.

Yes Naz, Great of you to"Try One Out" for her...I can see how much Mel will get to use it!

I needed to post this one...
Setting a fine example, Old Salty claims a hearing impediment as shouts of "starboard" roll over the Inlet!

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
25 Oct 2011 1:15PM
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Might is Right!! I was bigger, fatter and longer than Matt.

VIC, 737 posts
25 Oct 2011 5:47PM
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Lesson Number 1:
All rules of the sea apply to everyone except Old Salty, who is allowed to charge down the innocent like a supertanker to a pond yacht!

VIC, 317 posts
27 Oct 2011 5:32PM
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drift said...

Lesson Number 1:
All rules of the sea apply to everyone except Old Salty, who is allowed to charge down the innocent like a supertanker to a pond yacht!

That was a great board for sideways movement. Can you you show us a 360 on that one Old Salty

VIC, 605 posts
27 Oct 2011 8:45PM
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I promise next time Old Salty commandeer's the Starboard Supertanker, I'll remember to bring the centrefin. Adrian"the pasty pom", just strolled back into RPS this arvo direct from the UK, he'll know where the fin is. Afterall, the K15 is/was his ride!

VIC, 764 posts
28 Oct 2011 12:29AM
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Hey Dougie,

I never knew you could sail a canoe!!

Next time tell me when that goes out. I'll bring my fishing gear and sail / paddle out and catch us lunch

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
28 Oct 2011 9:47AM
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The K15 is pretty amazing. As Warwick said it was missing its centreboard so something that is 15 ft long and only a 30cm fin definitely had a lot of sideways moment When I got it going in a straight line it was amazingly quick - quicker than the Wallies IMHO but I could never get lined up with Dan or Pete to test the theory out. And doubles as a fishing charter Echunda

VIC, 317 posts
28 Oct 2011 6:37PM
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quicker than the Wallies, Never


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"IWC Beginners Clinic/RPS Naish Demo Day" started by Old Salty