Great pics and a great day!
If Im not mistaken, George is going for the Collective Sausage Eating World Record...
It was awesome to see so many boards on the water, and everyone getting into the spirit!. It also gives you a buzz when you see beginners rock up for the first time and go away at the end of the day absolutely hooting!
I wanna thank our super coaches who gave up their time- Dan, Moondo, Sav, Kato, Red, Pete Johnston, and Postie Pete (hopefully I haven't left anyone out)..May the wind gods shine on you!
I reckon we also need to give a huge thanks to B3 for his exceptional culinary skills!
Nice pics Rob. Well done. Hope you had a good sail
Will upload my pics soon.
BTW - A well run show guys, thanks for teaching my mate from QLD and thanks for the gybing tips! Great to see so many out on the water.
Well there was concern in the camp as we may have had to cancel due to toooo much wind especially for the beginners. A few of the coaches camped Saturday night and there was mummurings of a Dawn Raid on the Pit with a 20 kt WSW but you would not believe it that the PIT Crew members Kato and Pete pull out Some would say soft
However they were all up to taking full advantage of low tide on the Inlet whilst most of us were still travelling down from Melbourne.
The day got underway with 40 plus windsurfers in attendance.
Registration where 15 beginners, 15 intermediates and 7 coaches and a number of windsurfers that just wanted to join in the fun. Members travelled from Geelong, Melbourne and Sale to enjoy the day and it was great getting around everybody and catching up.
The day started with the wind fading rapidly from 20 kts gusting to 30kts down to 10kts gusting to 15 kts. However in true IWC attitude of lets make the most of anytime on the water, coaches and keen students hit the water. I was caught up in the carpark chatting to all comers and it was just an amazing scene as I hit the top of the sand dune and looked out across the Inlet. A mass of boards and sails everywhere
Lunch was called as the smell of Master Chef's Ian B3 Fenney cooking drifted across the Inlet. Simmo, as usual, was last off the water and was complaining that he could not find a parking spot for his board on the beach. We had to send Fireman Sam, with fire bells ringing, to get extra supplies as Ian's cullinary skills where too tempting for hungry windsurfers.
We all hit the water again but the wind was not playing for the intermediates however it was great to see all the beginners really progressing. I can see Roy having to spend a lot more time on the water to keep ahead of his kids
I even heard a rumour that the great Kato confessed to struggling in these wind conditions. When the wind did hit 15kts(briefly) it was great to see a few of the PIT Crew Kato, Pete and Mathew tearing up the Inlet.
As the light faded I enjoyed a magic moment when I pinched Red's 8.5mtr Koncept and cranked out a few 20 kts runs down the speed run with only a few left on the water. But Confession Time
Red - the Inlet is renown for eating sails - ASK RICHIE. This huge gust of wind ripped the sail off my board and the Inlet has eaten it up. When I unloaded my Van at home I discovered someone had donated me a new 8.5 mtr Koncept woohoo. Very nice sail - Red
As Mick said this day would not have happened without the help of our coaches - Kato, Pete, Red, Dan, Simon, Col, Mick and Postman Pete - BIG THANKS GUYS It is great seeing you give back to the sport we all love. It also would not have happened without my great team on committee Mick, Simon, Dan, Pete, Ian, Rob, Cara and Marcus - well done guys.
Most of all, it would not have happened without the members that are making a great club even better.
Love the pics Rob. I know there where a few cameras about - be great to see some more when people have time to post
Kato - getting closer to the first man to hit 40kts on the Inlet - be good to do it while Seahorse is away
More pics!
You reckon he would have had his suit dry cleaned!
The most difficult part of the day- weaving through the full car park!
Woody rigging
Waterstart tips
Red displays the Geelong technique- lots a flare and pizazz!
Quote from Dans GPSTC
"Wind teased for the arvo and i had the 6.6 and 101isonic ready to go, but neither got wet."
They did get wet and planned just not with you on it
Not enough wind someone said
Doug, It is well known that Paramedics perform miracles on a day to day basis.
And he sure is showing us his flare and pizzas!
I dont want to make it a big deal...but there is a lot of flourish in Red's dismount...and Im not sure about his choice of frock....nice choreography though....