A new event on the calendar!
The Invitational is a weekend-long speed challenge. It is open to all GPSTC sailors, as well as anyone else who'd like to have a go.
Thanks to The Inverloch Tourism Association, cash prizes are on offer for the sailors who have the highest 5X10 average over the two days of competition.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three competitors in each division as follows:
Division A, B & C
1st Place: $200
2nd Place: $100
3rd Place: Sponsors Prize
Division D (Come'n'Try Division)
1st, 2nd and 3rd Place: Sponsors Prize
We will also be having a 'Nearest the Pin' competition. Competitors will be asked to guess before competition an estimate 5 x 10 sec average for over the weekend, and the competitor that is closest to this will be deemed the winner.
Nearest the Pin 1st Place: $100
For the ISI, there will be a social event on Saturday night (28th May) which will include dinner and entertainment as well as the notification of the anonymous top 5 postings of that days competition. The social event will double as the season closer for the Inverloch Windsurfing Club.
Inverloch and Anderson inlet has all the makings of a classic windsurfing venue. The waters of Anderson Inlet can provide fantastic bump'n'jump, freeride blasting and speed sailing, depending on a variety of weather and tidal conditions. The surf beach and mouth of the inlet offers some great intermediate wave sailing opportunities as well. There are a range of accommodation packages available.
If you're keen please drop an email to inverlochwindsurf@gmail.com to register for the event
Jnr Chunny (IWC Code name INVY) should be a couple weeks old by the time of this event.
Megs and I will most likley not be attending
Megs would love a fast delivery however Sandringham Hospital will be where "Invy" is born.
Have an awesome day and we'll be praying for wind for you all.
Not many entries from The Pit Crew. I always thought these guys where loosing their edge abit
The Bono Blasters have made a strong entry, guess its to try and make up for their April GPSTC standing
And Crewmasters or should it be Crewmaster
I asked my future child if they could hand loose for an extra week or two so daddy could go sailing...what does two kicks mean?
Competitors shall possess valid third party liability insurance
Will this be enforced?? Could be an issue for everyone I know.
OK people, 1 1/2 weeks to go until the Inverloch Speed Invitational, inviting... everyone!!! We've been getting some great weather patterns through recently as you all would have seen from some very quick GPSTC posts in the past week from the Vic teams. On the inlet we've had 45+ kt winds ,sail blowouts and recorded times only a few knots slower than at the pit!!! Today I've picked up the prize money cheques and the trophies are currently being made.
An updated NOR & Event guide have just been released, they will be emailed out to everyone who has registered their interest and are available for download here: http://inverlochwindsurf.org.au/?page_id=135 ; Amendments have been made to sections regarding photography and insurance. Bank details have also been provided on the registration form.
So with this short amount of time to go...
* Sign up and get that registration in to us;
* Book your accommodation; and
* Get your gear ready for a huge weekend of racing!!
Looking forward to seeing you all down here in Invy!!!
Ok. Modified the wally for all day sailing so everyone is comfortable on the water. Just gotta figure out where to store the paper. Do people prefer the soft or re-cycled stuff.