RPS are in Maui!
The 2012 trip headed off from Melbourne on the 15th April with 10 keen windsurfers for a 2 week trip to windsurfing paradise.
We were greeted on the island by big swell and 30-35knot trade winds..
For our first 4 days so far most guys have been sailing on sails between 4.2 & 3.3m!!
With no sign of it letting up anytime soon!
A couple of pics of the last few days
Hey Kurt,
it's the boys subbing for me
As you know, I'm here still, loving sunny Melb.
Stay tuned for Maui 2013. And I will be there. [ maybe with Evan.....]
Evan, from my recollection [ it was way back in 1988!!] that's looking towards lower Sprecks. Great B&J location in June.
Well the crazy winds have backed off to give us a couple of nice days on 4.7 & 5.0's!
The crew spent a couple of arvos down at Kanaha beach park practicing everything from gybes to loops and Spotty raced all the locals on some slalom gear
Yesterday was great fun in our backyard here at Sprecks we had the place to ourselves, with awesome jumps
Spotty broke a mast WAY out the back and got a tow in from Max (Good karma Max!)
Hookipa was awesome with some nice NW swell getting in there, Joel & James had a great session...
A couple of pics from Hookipa
Great trip.. 15 days trip with 14 days sailing!
Mostly on sails 3.3-4.7, some great fun sailing at Sprecks for some bump and jump and side shore wave sailing, flat water blasting at Kanaha and some big swells early on in the trip at Hookipa for wavesailing.. A couple of pics
My best sailing on Maui has been in early december in 2003, then the wind completetly shut down from the 11th and it was so Miserable, lots of rain. So, bottom line, yes, some good sailing, can be epic, but higher chance of skunk.