Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

RPS/WV Movie Premiere.

Created by rps > 9 months ago, 27 Apr 2010
VIC, 605 posts
27 Apr 2010 12:52PM
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An important date to remember.

Possibly an Australian first. Two wholly Australian produced windsurf movies featuring side by side.

"Wizards of Oz" has been 4 long years in the making and the brainchild of Matty Holder. [ who also was the 2006, Australian wavesailing champion.]

"Quickly Go Mad" is a production from Mick Green [ Drift Media] and stars lot's of local Vicco heroes. Set predominantly at Sandy Point, it explores the world of going fast and uses some really interesting camera angles.

Seating is limited and tickets are selling fast. It promises to be a fantastic night.

VIC, 737 posts
28 Apr 2010 9:26PM
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thanks for supporting "home grown" film...Its great to see a shop get behind something which is local.

I though I'd share the DVD and poster design.

Here's the rough cover....obviously some words will change but lemme know what you reckon!

Note the featured sailors- Kato and pedro e..
I am sure they are available for autographs, TV appearances, 21st birthdays etc!!
see you all there!!!!

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
28 Apr 2010 10:07PM
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Pedro's OH **** moment - gotta love it

VIC, 605 posts
28 Apr 2010 10:27PM
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Geez Mick, if that's the rough I'm going to love the final!!

Proud as punch to support anything connected to supporting the Aussie and local scene.

I reckon Kato might scare a few youngsters at a 4 yr olds birthday party though!

Maybe he's better suited to hen's nights!

pedro e
VIC, 257 posts
28 Apr 2010 10:39PM
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Not sure I want to be reminded of that moment - how much would it cost me to have it edited out Mick??

VIC, 737 posts
28 Apr 2010 10:47PM
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c'mon gotta suffer for your art!!!

VIC, 3398 posts
28 Apr 2010 11:34PM
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Got to love a tinted visor. The board looks good in green See ya all there.

VIC, 1214 posts
29 Apr 2010 1:54AM
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Kato is the stig, he will not be showing his face sorry fellas, but he will be giving out autographs

VIC, 737 posts
4 May 2010 4:42PM
Thumbs Up's the DVD poster. Enjoy!!!

DVDs will be available through RPS...Approx cost will be about $40

VIC, 1308 posts
4 May 2010 5:48PM
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Very nice Drift!!!!

VIC, 605 posts
4 May 2010 10:08PM
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Ahhh Mick, I'm going to Carpet Call to buy a Red Carpet to roll out for the evening.

Sensational Stuff!

VIC, 764 posts
4 May 2010 11:06PM
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Good on ya Mick!

Bought tix today

Can't wait!

VIC, 3398 posts
4 May 2010 11:49PM
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Whats a "techical director" I just hung S@#t on Mick and drank beer. Is this my new career move Poster looks good Carn,t wait,might even wear a jacket.

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
5 May 2010 12:12AM
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I wonder how Mick looks dressed in a tux?

VIC, 737 posts
5 May 2010 10:47AM
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kato said...

Whats a "techical director" I just hung S@#t on Mich and drank beer. Is this my new career move Poster looks good Carn,t wait,might even wear a jacket.

A technical director is one that makes stuff and provides advice on getting the best out of the all that gaffa tape, old street signs and PVC piping of yours came in handy, Kato.

I think if you are going to go a jacket, it has to match the colour of your board.....

VIC, 313 posts
5 May 2010 12:59PM
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Ooh Kato in a green jacket with helmut? - grrrr baby

Mick - final poster design looks awesome. Feel v proud to a part of this fantastic film and can't wait! Thanks again for putting in the hard yards :) Drinkypoos are in order, will be intouch.

Jodi :)
White Caps

VIC, 764 posts
5 May 2010 4:24PM
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Ha ha ha

Kato dressed as Kermit the frog!!

Mick will have to wear a lilac shirt to match his boom.

VIC, 737 posts
5 May 2010 6:00PM
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Just got back from the warddrobe department..
Apparently Kato has put his order in..
here's a sneak preview of his outfit

VIC, 3398 posts
5 May 2010 7:39PM
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OOOOOOh Kermit suit.Jen thinks it looks like Matt, will he mind if I borrow it

Goo Screw
VIC, 269 posts
5 May 2010 11:07PM
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kato said...

OOOOOOh Kermit suit.Jen thinks it looks like Matt, will he mind if I borrow it

VIC, 1214 posts
5 May 2010 11:24PM
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Kato is the stig! i want his autograph!

QLD, 2043 posts
6 May 2010 1:16AM
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Now I'm "forum famous"....

VIC, 313 posts
6 May 2010 10:00AM
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I don't know how Jen can contain herself

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
6 May 2010 10:44AM
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So now we start to see Matthew's secrets in how he goes fast.

QLD, 1579 posts
6 May 2010 9:47PM
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...if I'm not mistaken, that's his light wind, fully cambered hat!!

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
28 May 2010 10:45AM
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I hear the stars of the show are windsurfing into Brighton Beach then being picked up and brought in by a stretch hummer. Warrick can you confirm what time they are stepping onto the Red Carpet please and what security is in place to hold back the thronging crowds and papparazzi(Jodi and entourage)

VIC, 605 posts
28 May 2010 12:33PM
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As if by design, the moderate northerly will allow the superstars a dry hair, downwind sail from Point Ormond to Green Point. Watch for the Police boat escort as well as the News choppers overhead.

As Doug mentioned, a fleet of stretched Hummers will meet them at Green Pt and the Convoy will then make it's way past the Brighton Savoy, Royal Brighton Yacht Club and then finally crawl up Bay St to the Red Carpet greeting at the Brighton Bay. They should be fashionably late at around 7.45pm to have allowed the fans and paparazzi to have whipped themselves into a frenzy whilst kept waiting.

Since the convoy of vehicles are no less than the Prime Ministers' personal fleet, he also kindly offered the protection of 10 of his Secret Service agents. Two of them have been assigned to Spotty, such is his popularity with the ladies!

VIC, 633 posts
28 May 2010 12:58PM
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Guy’s fantastic news for those who have missed out on tickets.
The cinema have upgraded us to a bigger cinema so there are another 20 tickets available.

For tickets call RPS immediately and pay over the phone and the tickets will be put aside for you at the door

See you all tonight

VIC, 633 posts
28 May 2010 1:00PM
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rps said...

As if by design, the moderate northerly will allow the superstars a dry hair, downwind sail from Point Ormond to Green Point. Watch for the Police boat escort as well as the News choppers overhead.

As Doug mentioned, a fleet of stretched Hummers will meet them at Green Pt and the Convoy will then make it's way past the Brighton Savoy, Royal Brighton Yacht Club and then finally crawl up Bay St to the Red Carpet greeting at the Brighton Bay. They should be fashionably late at around 7.45pm to have allowed the fans and paparazzi to have whipped themselves into a frenzy whilst kept waiting.

Since the convoy of vehicles are no less than the Prime Ministers' personal fleet, he also kindly offered the protection of 10 of his Secret Service agents. Two of them have been assigned to Spotty, such is his popularity with the ladies!

I heard Spotty is at the salon getting his hair and nails done already???

VIC, 737 posts
28 May 2010 2:41PM
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ka222 said...

I heard Spotty is at the salon getting his hair and nails done already???

Who is he being dressed by??

VIC, 605 posts
28 May 2010 2:43PM
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High and Mighty!


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"RPS/WV Movie Premiere." started by rps