Bureau Forecast:
Saturday 25 May
Westerly 15 to 20 knots tending west to southwesterly by the afternoon. Wind shifting westerly and decreasing to 10 to 15 knots in the evening.
[b]Seabreeze Forecast:
I do hope that seabreeze is right, but its probably more likely they are not. Still, 15-20 is sailable so I'll be going out.
Saturday morning at Bonbeach anyone?
I have found that the Seabreeze forecast for Melbourne is most often different and far less accurate than compared to the BOM forecast.
Bureau at 4.45pm today????
Saturday 25 May
West to northwesterly 10 to 15 knots increasing to 15 to 20 knots during the morning before tending west to southwesterly at a similar strength during the afternoon.
Sunday 26 May
West to northwesterly 15 to 20 knots turning southwesterly in the morning.
Somebody's still wrong (but gee, it'd be nice if SeaBreeze was correct).
Well, SeaBreeze was right.................
It was about 4 knots less than shown at secret spot in Dromana
Cambodge said "Ah, the autumn doldrums and the triumph of hope over experience"............
Which was why my experience said that there'd be more wind at the bottom of the Bay, so go there (and I did) and sail (and I did), 5.9 on a 115 slalom board.
Overnight Seabreeze was saying there would be 45kts this Saturday. Brown Arrows all round.
This morning it got downgraded to 15kts.