With the second event window this weekend - everybody pray for wind!!
According to seabreeze they are calling for an Easterly on Sunday.
More often than not when Melbourne scores a 15knot Easterly - Sandy Pt scores a 25knot Easterly! With the temp forecast for 23degrees we are in for a chance!
The weekend swell at Sandy Pt should be around shoulder high.
Still a while away to make the call, but this could be a great opportunity for people to come down and have a shot at wavesailing even if they have never tried it.
We will make a call later in the week if the comp will be on or not, and if the conditions are suitable we will aim to have a some more experienced wave sailors on hand to give some tips and a bit of a clinic to get some more people out in the waves for the first time!!
Stay tuned and do a wind dance
Yeahya perfect timing!
Fill me in with as much info as possible pleaseeee :D
Not on duty and keen to discover sandy point
okay. ou spilled the beans....where is "longarms"
i missed my yearly trip to Gnarreloo this year so im "hungry"
This Sunday is looking a little promising with forecasted easterlies. If the weather patterns hold, this means Sandy Point could be a good option. There should be still be enough swell around to have some fun in. The wind and swell may also be perfect for first timers to venture out into the waves.
Keep posted and we will let you know for whats in store for the weekend on Friday.
Stay tuned
Unfortunately we are not confident enough to bring everyone down to Sandy Point this weekend. There are light east/north easterlies forecasted for Sunday and a small swell. If we were in summer we would be all go but given it is so early in the season, it is unlikely the sea breeze will build enough strength for some decent sailing. We could be wrong but we all decided its too risky given we have the whole summer left plus the roaming events.
Vic Wave series
Yeh it could be good but I think we keep looking for some better forcasts, good luck if you head down.
Im keen to have a wave sail at Sandy Point sunday, whats everyones prefered location? Over the dunes is good but high tide in the inlet is around 4pm, not great for parking. Whats oposite the shop like or further around waratah bay?
Hi, Last sunday we had 5ft+ waves at woolamai.... smooth and clean with a firm 16 knot consistent x-shore. We got millions of waves. My legs are still sore. Getting out was a little tricky. not much wind to power you over an ugly shorebreak. but once out no problems. Ive got to work this sunday but the same conditions apply again! Get a floaty wave board and go there.
Forecast for woolamai....
"New S/SW groundswell building to 4-6ft on the open beaches during the a'noon, smaller early. Light to moderate E/NE winds, tending E/SE during the a'noon and freshening."
Firming up for some good easterly down at Sandy on Sunday afternoon... see:
and the official forecast
Pity about the tides though... adding the 2 hours from Port Phillip Heads gives around 4pm high tide at the inlet, so longarms may be out
ENE for tomorrow from dawn, that will be dead off shore wont it? Wonder if Inverloch ocean beach will get any swell, it would be more cross off there...
i am tending toward a bass coast run - Woolamai to Inverloch to Sandy depending on how the day develops. If it is toward 6ft at Wool there should be enough swell at Inveroch.
That was awesome! Yesterday was so good at Sandy Pt.. 30knots cross off and good swell...
Did any one take any pics?
Yeah it was great! We sailed across from the shop for a bit over an hour, but it was so gusty and difficult to get out as the tide came in and the waves got bigger. We went over to Waratah bay and the wind was much more consistent, though the waves were not as clean, but still lining up nicely for some real fun dtl riding....I am still smiling from yeserdays session!
You guys who made the effort to slog across the dunes would of had both clean waves and clean wind across the inlet!
Beautiful, watching that just brought another smile to my face cos it reminded me of how good it was!!!
I got rolled a beauty yesterday, did my bottom turn a bit too close to the wave face and boom grabbed the water, did a nice under whitewash barrel roll
hahaha yeah I find if i puff out my cheeks as hard as I can I get better drive in the bottom turns!!
Lucky there wasn't audio too... I think I was yelling out KABLAMO! as I was hitting the lip!!