Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

WV heading inland (Lake Wendouree, Ballarat)

Created by WindRider > 9 months ago, 1 May 2012
QLD, 837 posts
1 May 2012 12:20PM
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Windsurfing Victoria with SHQ and SBHQ are running a beginner and intermediate demo/training day at Lake Wendouree in Ballarat this Saturday 5th May 2012 (10am to 3:30pm). This is an open event, but with limited numbers (i.e. 20) due to equipment and instructors. At this stage we are focusing on the local windsurfers around the Ballarat and surrounding areas, but others are welcome to attend. Cost of entry will be $35 to cover equipment rental and travel costs. We are planning this event as the new first of many to come in at various locations around Victoria.

VIC, 3455 posts
1 May 2012 6:41PM
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Great to see Wv venturing out of Melbourne. Well done Steve

VIC, 5000 posts
2 May 2012 9:40AM
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kato said...

Great to see Wv venturing out of Melbourne. Well done Steve

Agree, when are you visiting SW Vic?

QLD, 837 posts
2 May 2012 11:51AM
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Sailhack said...
Agree, when are you visiting SW Vic?

WV plans to have events around VIC when every possible. Please forward your ideas, sugguestions and proposed events to the following email address.

Please note; the Ballarat event is supported by a great group of local windsurfers and SHQ/SBHQ. These type of events can be held at other locations around VIC. Bring on next season.

VIC, 322 posts
Site Sponsor
3 May 2012 6:33PM
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This is a great WV and SHQ initiative....promoting windsurfing in regional Victoria. There's around 20 really keen windsurfers from Ballarat, who for over a decade had no water in their local Lake Wendouree to sail in. The lake has become full in recent years and the locals have come out of the wood work, to the sport that they love and could never give up....

The forecast is for 10 knots, so Jono and I will be taking 6 Rs Ones, 5 beginner boards (thanks to Mike!)

See you there!

VIC, 107 posts
5 May 2012 7:15PM
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Sailhack said...

Select to expand quote

Agree, when are you visiting SW Vic?

+1 I couldn't get that far today but anytime it were to happen in SW Vic, I'd be a definate. :)

QLD, 837 posts
6 May 2012 9:33PM
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We had a great day down at Ballarat. Nearly 20 windsurfers from first timers to advance sailors came down for the windsurfing clinics that WV SHQ and SBHQ put on. The day ended off with a race out and back to marker that local windsurfer David set with his zodiac. Three local companies and WV all chipped in $50 each for the prise money. Plus SHQ put up a $50 gift voucher for the most improved sailor. More details in the next WV Gybe Mark.

A big thanks to SHQ, SBHQ and the Ballarat local sailors in helping make this happen. This will be the first for many others events at Ballarat and other locations around Vic.

VIC, 322 posts
Site Sponsor
7 May 2012 11:34AM
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A couple of group shots from Saturdays clinic. Thanks to David Howe from Ballarat for inviting us up and to all the friendly locals for their great hospitality!...
The 5 Rs ones were a hit in the 10 knots s/w breeze, plenty of good gybing practice was had by all!

Big Thanks to Steve Coward for giving up his Saturday and supporting this event.


QLD, 837 posts
7 May 2012 12:10PM
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Here is a copy of the local news paper insert about the day. A video interview is due on their website soon.

VIC, 236 posts
8 May 2012 2:29PM
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WindRider said...

Here is a copy of the local news paper insert about the day. A video interview is due on their website soon.

awesome he clicked just before my helitack ha ?

VIC, 16 posts
9 May 2012 9:55PM
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Thanks to Luke, Jono and Steve for a great day. We all had a fun day and learnt alot. Fingers crossed next time the wind might blow. Pity about a touch of algae in Lake Learmonth, but a good excuse to go wave sailing more often.

VIC, 16 posts
10 May 2012 10:25AM
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Yes big thanks to steve, Luke and jono was a great day learnt heaps, and winning the race was a great way to top off the day. Thanks for the head start boys :-)


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"WV heading inland (Lake Wendouree, Ballarat)" started by WindRider