Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

Windsurfing Traveler to Melbourne

Created by pbsieb1 > 9 months ago, 25 Jan 2011
2 posts
25 Jan 2011 12:33PM
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I was hoping the brain trust of the Vic windsurfers would be willing to help out a fellow windsurfer. I have a once in a lifetime opportunity to work for about 6-8 weeks in Melbourne starting mid February. During this time I need to sail but with such a short time to figure out where and when to go I do not want to waste any time.

I would like recommendations on where appropriate sites would be for my sailing level and for the February/ March time frame. I will be working at Fishermans Bend in Melbourne and live someplace nearby the plant.

I am an experience Columbia River Gorge sailor. I have sailed the Gorge since 87, but have experienced my share of skill issues. My jibes are still week to moderate, but I am comfortable in the wind and water conditions say up to 35 - 40 MPH. At 48 I know longer enjoy the extreme winds. Typical sail range is 5.0 to 4.0. I am 180 pounds and sail an 85 liter Open Ocean board. I have also never sailed in breaking surf.

I would be grateful for any recommendations on where to sail and where to get equipment. I do not plan to bring any equipment with me. Any other safety issues to consider? What type
of board/ sail combinations are used?

Thank you,

VIC, 737 posts
25 Jan 2011 3:46PM
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Great opportunity to work and sail in Vicco!

I'd suggest you contact either of the two shops that service windsurfing in Vic

From where you are staying @ Fishermans Bend you are pretty close to some nice bay beaches. About 15-20 k's south you have Elwood, then Green Point. Both hold well in most directions although anything with South is always a bit of fun.

Further down the coast you have Ricketts Point which is awesome for bump and jump. From there its a matter of packing the car up and going to explore!. Theres a few crew down the Mornington Peninsula who sail at Rye and Mt Martha and then even further east, theres a big crew of sailors at Inverloch (about 2 hours from Melbourne)
If you are looking for a weekend destination, you can not go past Sandy Point near Wilsons of the best speed location in the world.

cheers and big breezes,

Old Salty
VIC, 1271 posts
25 Jan 2011 4:01PM
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Drift you forgot our brothers down west in Geelong or don't we mention them. Red has been rumoured to play a bit of banjo

VIC, 741 posts
25 Jan 2011 7:35PM
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Hello pbsieb1,

The following might help:

Go to and, which give historical wind data for February and March. Given these, you might consider a 3 x sail quiver: 6.5 slalom, 5.8 wave and 5.0 wave. It would be best if you had the 2 x masts that will be necessary to mount the sails and also the mast extensions. You may be able to mount all 3 x sails using 1 x boom (possibly a Chinook which has a large range).

Whilst 40 MPH is 34 kts, this is a rare figure for Bay sailing (now THERE'S an opportunity for Huey to get me!), so 5.0 would be an adequate minimum size.

Suggest 2 boards: 1 x 110 to120 L slalom and 1 x 85 to 90 L FSW.

Recommend that you e-mail RPS or SHQ to ensure that the equipment you want is available and to verify costs. Second-hand gear might be an option and SHQ have an online listing. RPS may be able to e-mail a listing to you

Should you decide to sail at Green Point in a SW'ly, watch out for the shore break which is a gear killer. Might be better to travel another 1 km south and sail at Hampton Beach or 1 km north and sail at Dendy St.

After work, you might consider sailing at Middle Park, Elwood, Dendy Street, Green Point, Hampton, Rickett's Point North and Rickett's Point South. Further south again here's a link: Note that you should buy a Melway's Street Directory and note that parking fees are charged in some areas.

A 3/2 wetsuit will probably be OK for you, but here's a link to water temps:

Before sailing at a particular spot, you may care to ask advice from other windsurfers about no-go areas, sail sizes being used at that spot etc.

Am sure that others will comment on the above and all information should be useful to you.

mr love
VIC, 2352 posts
25 Jan 2011 10:04PM
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Fishermans bend, GM by any chance???

VIC, 456 posts
25 Jan 2011 10:39PM
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Hope to see you on the water v

Before gingerpom jumps in.

Must make a trip to sandy point over that time. You will love it especially on a sw.

VIC, 738 posts
25 Jan 2011 10:46PM
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Old Salty said...

Drift you forgot our brothers down west in Geelong or don't we mention them. Red has been rumoured to play a bit of banjo


VIC, 260 posts
26 Jan 2011 11:26AM
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them there banjo duels they become a mighty more difficant with invention of that winsurving on that there lake..

2 posts
27 Jan 2011 4:55AM
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Thank you everyone. I will need to study all the information and good advice sent my way.

answer "mr love" question - Boeing AeroStructures Australia (BAA).

I love this gear heavy sport - 3 sails, 2 mast, 2 boards, 1 boom (if luckly). Hauling all this stuff will make me feel at home.


Forums > Windsurfing Victoria

"Windsurfing Traveler to Melbourne" started by pbsieb1