Just a small little vid. Unfortunately some of the distance stuff i got of other guys a few waves out didn't come through. Keep an eye of for a great stalled fwd attempt by another sailer. Also nice forward by Al in expression session.
Unfortunately didn't get a backie on vid but did get some stacks. Any useful comments on finishing these stacked ones would be welcome. I think i need to straighten front foot and point front foot toes to avoid the mast going too far forwards.
Still getting used to cam and unfortunately had it on photos for a good section of it... bummer.
Sorry i missed a lot of the other sailers. May just hang out in the water for a bit as need to get super close.
that big forward was philthy phil chalko. good to see he was going hard! i think he was still a bit drunk from the night before haha
Nice vid H2O. If you want to stop putting your Gopro on camera mode by mistake download the new firmware. This allows it to be a single button push to start filming.
The URL is: gopro.com/en/au/
Nice vid H20.
Great to see you got my forward on film. I saw you in the water as I got worked by the next set. Was an awesome day!
Awesome move, like your style, not to mention your committment!
Why is it that you can forward better than you can gybe??
That's ok though, 'cos I know I can gybe alot better than I can forward.