Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

2011 jp wave fins

Created by jwd > 9 months ago, 9 Sep 2010
40 posts
9 Sep 2010 9:23AM
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hey all,
just scored on a jp 99 single thruster for them lightwind wave sailin days. by all regards it looks like a freekin lightwind wave machine -- amazing what 6 L difference looks like when compared to the 2010 jp 93 wave. Anyway- was wondering anyones thoughts/experiences w/ the new jp "wave fin" looks like probably good performance on more onshore conditions but for DTL conditions as well?-- looks rather upright for that to me..sooo was wondering anyones experince /thoughts on it... at 205# hope to be using it soon in some thumpin fall side shore conditions chest to well over mast high light wind days...!

NSW, 1351 posts
9 Sep 2010 4:54PM
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they work fine. try it a few times b4 you rag it.
nice fast fins, low drag, loose when ya want them to be.

40 posts
10 Sep 2010 8:58AM
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hey bertie,
no ragging- it just looks kind of counter intuative for a dtl fin- for me at least..have you tried them yet yourself or seen others using the fin- or you just going by the jp literature ? Hopefully will get a nw pulse off a predicted storm off japan next week & give 'er a propper test spin...

NSW, 1351 posts
10 Sep 2010 12:27PM
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been using the jp polakow fins all last season in twins (various), also MUF quad fins in jp quad 82, MUF in twinzer freestyle board and MUF single. all used in DTL conditions, onshore and sideshore. All work great for me :)

WA, 3469 posts
11 Sep 2010 6:54AM
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Took out the 99 thruster for the first time yesterday. I only had a very brief session but here is what I found about fins:

- the 23 cm plus 10cm thruster setup seems to work quite well (even for my weight), no spinouts fairly airily planning. Wind was 10 to 35 knts . I was on a 5.4.

- the thrusters help develop quite a bit of drive in turns, the board really wanted to go for tight turns rather than drawn out wide,

- its quite easy to make the board slide and catch again even on minute waves

I'm very keen to try a larger version in a single setup scenario.

40 posts
16 Sep 2010 10:46AM
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well- had first sesh w/ the 99-- freakin sweeeeet.....! gagging winds to OP'ed on 5.6 sideshore dtl conditions- waist to 2-3 foot over head..mixture of short period wind swell & longer period waves..the board turns very well indeed both bottom & top turn/ cut backs with plenty of speed-...- with leaning on the rail makes the board go vertical easily... board seems to work well in the pocket as well as on sloppier sections of the wave... board did feel kind of big when i finally rigged down to 5.0 however ( no big deal as i bought it for light wind 5.6 conditions anyway).... can't wait to try it on bigger waves soon... looks like the stock fin suits the board very well indeed !

SA, 3025 posts
16 Sep 2010 12:34PM
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So is it worth ditching the 92 JP twinnie and Fanatic 104 freewave and going the thruster as a single board solution - sounds like a good replacement for both

WA, 3469 posts
16 Sep 2010 12:27PM
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russh said...

So is it worth ditching the 92 JP twinnie and Fanatic 104 freewave and going the thruster as a single board solution - sounds like a good replacement for both

I think that would depend on your weight and the main conditions you get. The board is definitely more wave board than a 104 Freewave. Forget about that statement... it's a proper waveboard.

Regarding the 92... is that your high wind board?

SA, 3025 posts
16 Sep 2010 2:41PM
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yeah 92 twinnie is for 20+ knts -great board and love it when the conditions are right - I'm around 88 kegs

the 104's great but has its limitations when its over a couple of feet (that hasn't been too often this winter with wind).

40 posts
4 Oct 2010 11:29AM
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hey all,
just thought i'd update ya on my experience so far w/ the 99- had 'er out probably 9-10 times in the last several weeks since i got'her..mostly in chest to mast high side shorish conditions and got to say-- for a 99 L board it trully freakin ROCKs :-) ..! at 205-210 # i figure maybe some of you other heavier dudes might appreaciate. So far i've found the board works very well in gagging 5.6 lightwind conditions to well powered up 5.3 conditions..op'ed on a 5.0 it feels big no doubt (but still handles pretty darn well on the wave face). Thought i would share this link w/ you - earlier it was honking 5.3 but when this sequence was takin the sail was bagged out and there was little wind on the wave-- what was remarkable to me ( just being a mediocre sailor at best ) was the board planed up / picked up speed quickly on the wave allowing a quick bottom turn w/ enough drive to make it to the top off the lip.. now i used a custom quatro quad 100 L since last fall and got to tell you that board never would have generated enough speed to make it to the top as this board did..anyway = the buoys are 11 ft at 17 seconds now w/ wind predicted tomorrow so hopefully will have some more fun.. !

credit to alex pang for the shots by the way

( i'm on the green & white simmer )...

40 posts
4 Oct 2010 12:11PM
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what the stoked on the board thought a few more shots might be fun..:-)..

first shot -- light wind- at 205-210 # just barely enough wind to water start with considerable effort w/ a 5.6--- beautiful long period south swell... love how smooth the wave face is ! ( thanks to dr steve for the shot).

2nd shot getting spanked /op'ed on a 5.6 -- the board felt bouncy on the outside but felt remarkably nice on the wave face... ( thanks to mike higgins for the shot).

opps= sorry about the crazy size

VIC, 1121 posts
4 Oct 2010 4:11PM
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jwd said...

first shot -- light wind- at 205-210 # just barely enough wind to water start with

Out of curiousity, do you mean 205-210 pounds?

40 posts
4 Oct 2010 1:31PM
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Sorry, yes 205-->210 pounds ( 93-->95 kg i reckon)...

VIC, 1121 posts
4 Oct 2010 4:41PM
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jwd said...

Sorry, yes 205-->210 pounds ( 93-->95 kg i reckon)...

Cool, cos I am around 74kg's and looking at the 93L version for my light wind wave board

40 posts
6 Oct 2010 10:59AM
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Hey WA,
was so stoked on the 99 tri fin I actually got the 93 as well.. only got a chance to use it once so far;yesterday , briefly before the wind died down from full on 5.0 ( guys your weight were on 3.7-->4.2 ) to weird azz 10-15 knotts side-->off/off shore wind w/ head to well over mast high shore/beach break and can not begin to tell you how much faster the 93 is down the line than the 99...the 99 is an awesome board to be sure-- especially for me being at 205-->210 #.. but really - the 93 was freakin insanely fast ( as well as loose --especially for my weight) down the line which is a big plus at this particular location (fast waves leading to big close outs) -- hopefully will have further oppurtunities to use it this year though highly doubtful as this is; after all, big wave - light wind season on the central cali coast.. Actually would also evan consider the 83 tri fin for next spring windy season if i didn't already have an awesome sos 82 RF already... IMHO this board truly does freakin rock-- above all - its FUN & a PLEASURE to sail ! (compared to some other boards- including customs )--YMMV though of course---... good luck w/ yer new board..

VIC, 1121 posts
6 Oct 2010 3:01PM
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Thanks for your little review mate....appreciate it!

You should post up some pics of your local spot in a new thread...would be interesting for us Aussies to see.

WA, 3469 posts
7 Oct 2010 8:52PM
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jwd said...
MHO this board truly does freakin rock-- above all - its FUN & a PLEASURE to sail !

I can only second that. I have had the 99 single thruster for about 3 weeks and in a nutshell its brought the fun back into wave sailing.

BTW, what's the spot? Wadell Creek?

40 posts
8 Oct 2010 3:04AM
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hey stehsegler,
we are truly fortunate to have these boards imho-- makes wavesailing so much more enjoyable !

to answer your question-- the first shot of the super lightwind day was taken at the break a few hundred yards N of wadell called shotguns; shotguns holds up a S - SW swell very nicely. wadell is also the locale i was referring to that has a faster wave which leads to big closeouts. The sequence and other shot was from another area- more of a point break - a few miles south of wadell. Have you ever been over here?

WA, 3469 posts
8 Oct 2010 9:38AM
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jwd said...
Have you ever been over here?

several times... did a big trip in '91: Gorge followed by California (Sailed: San Fran, Wadell, Devonport, Santa Barbara, Venutra, San Diego and a place South of LA I can't remember the name of) and 2 months Baja.

Last time I was over that way was in 2008 but sadly didn't get to sail... instead I was burning past in Shelby... it was pretty windy that day but had to make a choice between going sailing or driving a classic... decided on the later.

Still love California... especially San Francisco and surrounds.

40 posts
8 Oct 2010 11:09AM
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DUDE- would that be a shelby mustang gt 500 ??

WA, 3469 posts
8 Oct 2010 2:18PM
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Yup... exactly that...


Forums > Windsurfing Wave sailing

"2011 jp wave fins" started by jwd