Looks the new TriWave has the same specs as the 2012 Twinfin!
Is this the same board with a thruster set up
Also no single fin wave/fsw boards other than the wood model..if i wanted a single fin board means
I have to settle for plastic plugs in the slot box's, Im not a big fan of this idea
Or is it a case of the thruster's are so good you'll never want a single fin again.
I sail open ocean B&J no so called waves just wind swell. All my Fanatics are singles.
Its a big risk to spend the money on the thruster and not to be happy with it!
Last year models looked sick with unique metallic airbrushing and polished effects
Green quad looks crap IMO The Freewaves look vey nice
So are "3 fin" boards that good they can scrap single fin boards!
I know ya can put plastic things in the slots to have a single fin but this surely this must have some effect on the board..
Im sure "thruster's" are better on the waves but what about real world sailing
that a normal person is sailing like me..strong current, crappy side on wind chop, blasting around in the ocean!
I have the 2010 95 FSW and its awesome but would it be worth upgrading to the 2013 “3 fin” design
Change Brands, some still make a single fin B&J blasters or go local get an OES or Nude and exactly what you want.
As for NORMAL, ive yet to find a normal person.
Aus has world class sailing locations in the real world, just have to go for a drive.
just a breath of caution to those wanting to buy a fanatic here in australia...
dont, just dont
if you break it they tell you that you are overloading the board and basically, go eff yourself...
so keep yer fanatic stuff....
I used to break tons of boards - JP's then Naish (before that old school boards). Was always hard on my gear. Done some massive stuff on the Fanatics and I havent had a failure. Had them for 4 years of hard sailing. I do the occasional ding but that is to be expected when you smack the mast on the nose in front of a thick wave in the shorebreak.
I haven't needed to get one sorted under warranty so I can't comment on that front, but in terms of strength - no probs. Prevention better than cure?
actually it was simply a small chop hop and then BANG, and only had it for 4 months from new, the previous years board with stood many a beating...
and the board was delaminated from the mast track to the footstraps and fanatic weren't interested, basically said it was me
Just a few more weeks and Fanatics 2013 are expected to hit our shores. Praying for a good wind season...come on Huey!
"Massive" means flat landing one handed forwards hooked in. Its board abuse, not trophy winning stuff...