.....have to say, as someone who has a couple of Evos knocking around in the garage and then ridden a few others (eg the mistral twinnys) for a few years, these quads do look the biz!
Are they all new shapes in the Quad range, Scott?
How are they tweaked compared to the 2012 range?
Which would be the go for biggest wave board for light and gusty for someone about 86kg....the 92? The width dims look a little bigger than other quads out there - any comment on that?
Cheers - appreciate the feedback!
Hey Northy
Yep, they're completely new shapes.
New rocker (All mono to ever so slight V in the tail) instead of forward V to tail concave.
And new outline. A blend of last years quad outline but squared it up in the tail which gave it a lot better onshore performance without sacrificing performance in the juice.
Have always been an fan of the extra width, and the others are catching on.
Light and gusty and 86kg's 92 should be the go. Or 87.
They both produce a ton of drive when not powered up. Is what I love about em.
Cheers Scotty
Does the square tail this year mean you lose any performance for down the line, decent cross off conditions?
for super light float and ride, do you ever use the S1, or do you stick to the blades always eg 5.7 / 5.3?
Thanks again
Nah. Not at all
Was my concern after they went so well in tenerife, but when I got them up North and Margs in side and side off, is not an issue at all. (As seen in clip)
They loved it down the line. Instant vert project.
Nah, I'm always using the Blades.
they look sick
Cool vid!
Never tried the method at frame 4.34. for getting through a wave. Is this common in big waves?
I call this highly unselfish behaviour, had right of way but saw he was going to coincide with the wave rider who was about to hit the lip so he stalled and dropped into the water, no this is not normal but does prevent the mast being driven directly down as the wave throws the gear back, clever
Yep seen some guy's do the same at the point when caught on the inside. I suppose its more or less the same technique as swimming to the top of the mast and pushing it underwater, just a bit quicker I guess. Either way never a nice feeling getting really rolled and knowing that your gear and sharp fin edges are tumbling about with you. Gath hat my man Gath hat
It's about time someone said how dangerous that rider was. Maybe you didn't realize because you were focussed on the guy duck diving, but he ended up missing his gear by about 2m during his bottom turn. If he'd bounced out in that turn, which was in far from smooth water, he'd have collected him. The footage is in slow-mo, imagine it at real speed. The rider would have seen the guy dogging out from a long way off.
yes - safety first at all times! i propose hi vis jackets and hard hats for all wave sailors.
And definitely dont go near the lip at margs - just dawdle around on the shoulder in case some one gets hurt.
I was only thinking last week about all the things that could go wrong as I headed out in 30-40knts. My board was completely freaking out, just wouldn't stay in the water. there needs to be more sarcasm on the topic...
Oh, great looking boards Scotty
Reflex, that's just the kind of response I'd expect from you. I've noticed you're the classic example of that group of WA guys who thinks he's a hardcore waverider ("look at me, I go so vert" ) so when anyone dares to suggest that one of your boyfriends should have given up a single turn in order to not endanger someone ...
I guess having a national wavesailing title under ya belt doesn't qualify as core. Can't stop laughing...
Reflex, I'm glad to hear you like to be friendly. Me too. Keep it in mind next time you're tempted to ridicule someone for making a comment about safety ...
i like safety - check out one of the best safety videos - EVAAAAA!