It's a bit Quiet in the wind department in my neck of the woods, any body getting any wavesailing in at the moment?
South Aus has had some small but sailable waves - I'm still sailing 2-3 times a week - coming into April we could be in for a long dry spell. Dust of the surfboards!
Fingers crossed for a huge high that causes some strong SE'rs for Robe at easter and decent swell.
Winter is pirme wavesailing in Sth Aus - eveyones excited about some howling nw'rs and westerlty swells - with any luck they will coincide with the wave expression sessions planned for the winter
God I am getting desperate. I miss the wind sooo much. Don't like this time of year. I should plan a windsurf holiday to get me out of the doldrums.
1. a state of inactivity or stagnation, as in business or art.
2. the doldrums,
a. a belt of calms and light baffling winds north of the equator between the northern and southern trade winds in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
b. the weather prevailing in this area.
3. a dull, listless, depressed mood; low spirits
Go and buy yourself a stand up paddle board. You will have all conditions covered and you never know, if you are like me, you may enjoy it more than windsurfing!
Further proof (not that its needed) that God is a Western Australian.
Regardless I'm sure he would ride either a single or a trifin.
There has been wind and swell here for the last five days, I've sailed two of them.
Nothing to compare to that, though maybe I'm not burning enough gasoline.
Hey Scotty - you can't go saying that you like piddle boarding better than windsurfing in a public forum! Kinda like posting that you sometimes put on your chick's underwear!
Keep those dirty thoughts to yourself!
Who's the forum d1ckhe@d that red thumbs everyone - get a life
nice piccies - we could do with some of that
The thumbs is pointless, as plenty of loosers red thumb for any reason. So I imagine most people just ignore the thumbs a bit like switching off to the ads.
Ha ha I think red thumbs has become a game and serves no indication if a post is good or bad.
I like red thumbs please
Not sure what the red the red thumb thing is benny but piddle boarding is taking my fancy, with or without the chicks under wear. You need options, no point crying about the wind........