I was waiting for the second edition of the Red Bull Storm Chase since the last one! It was my dream to be involved in it as the world's biggest redbull drinker and ambassador and completely committed storm chaser. I was unlucky and broke my foot a month ago doing a forward in Pozo while preparing for the PWA event.. gutted.. but I decided not to give up on the project and I finished my red bull storm chase video already with the broken foot. Deffinitely could have been better if I could walk.. and sail! I was hoping to get heaps of footage in Pozo, bought a camera and.. got injured on the first day of filming! Hope you like what I managed to put together, and I hope the 3rd edition of RBSC will come up and that I will be alright to sail by then as my breakage is a nasty one and nothing is certain yet. Fingers crossed I will be able to get back on the board and back to OZ one day!
great video entry - your forwards are sweet as. Got the lifter spin going on.
really feel for you justinya - that injury could not have come at a worse time
my god i hate to think how turbo motivated you will be on your return !
Ease up on the RBs just a touch- i love RB as much as any one- but they are pretty toxic in big quantities. We want to have you around for as long as possible.
Cheers guys!:) Glad you like the vid!:)
Yeah.. you have no idea how much this injury cost me.. I've been knocked down before but the timing is just so unfair.. I was really looking forward to the world cups this year.. If I will be able to sail again you will see me going off as soon as it will be possible and you have my word for it! The frustration of staying at the beach for someone with ADHD like me is just a killer! I survived 2 months now.. Months still to come.. So yeah if someone is motivated to push it on the water it's me! Just hoping I will get a chance again.. Fingers super crossed! Thanks for the wishes!! :)
Fantastic vid!
Hope you recover quickly!! I broke my foot also (Lisfranc Fracture and Dislocation) end of 2010. I'm back on the water now, so I'm sure you will be ripping it up soon!
Good on ya! How long before you were fully back into sailing - I mean wave-riding and jumping full on? Glad you got back!! Thanks for the wishes!
Great vid Justina, sorry to hear about your foot, at least you can brag you did it on a forward loop. Broke my leg 2 days ago last year wavesailing and had the same cast as yours so feel your pain. Can get some good info on mybrokenleg.com.
Get well soon, your sailing rocks!