In regard to Brocken boards Ihave been building boards since 1978 in glass then in 1990 changed to composit with eps core the problem is everyone wants a light board a matter of fact, that is the problem . InJeri Brazil where i have been a few times now boards get broken every day as most guys do freestyle ..there its common thing, as thy use freestyle boards in the waves , the trend by most manufacturer is to ceep weight down thus compromising the strenght , the boards i build are in either carbon timber veneer as for wave use little bit heavier but strong and for flat water use carbon as this is lighter construction but there is no board available that cannot be broken just depends on circumstaces regards Pete at Manta sailboards
Let's face it at 10 g force after landing a forward your 80 to 100 kg weight suddenly becomes 800 to 1000 kgs. In addition, the force goes suddenly from zero to full load. It's like dropping a little Toyota Yaris onto your wave board...
... to be perfectly honest I am surprised boards hold up as well as they do.
i cut into an acid a few years ago to inspect a big crease across the deck, the glass fibre was dry... thats pretty disapointing