January 7 or 8 2012
Being a beach break we are almost certain to get rideable waves scoring will be focussed on wave riding but jumps will also be scored.
This is the first true wave event of the season so we will try and run 4 man 20 minute heats. Numbers and time will determine if we run single or double elimination format. Last year we completed a full round of 32 man single elimination as well as a junior heat and 2 novice heats.
Even if you get knocked out in the early rounds it is still worth the trip as there is plenty of waves up and downwind of the event for you to keep sailing and there is always a judges seat to be filled. It is the best seat in the house for watching the action.
To be confirmed on Thursday based on the forecast. Keep an eye on the Windsurfing WA Facebook page and Seabreeze - WA Windsurfing Forum for updates during the week.
Windsurfing WA Facebook page -
On the beach north of Wedge Island about 3 to 5 km depending on the swell etc. Look out for the Windsurfing WA trailer, tents and banner on the beach. Typically the beach is hard packed and can be tackled with a 2wd and for the social waves 2wd was fine even in a Honda Jazz just keep an eye on the incoming tide. On the way up Indian Ocean drive, when you can first see the ocean there is a turn for a lookout on the left and then a turn off which may or may not have a sign, this is the turn for Wedge. The locals take the sign down regularly and it was missing a couple of weeks ago.
Wedge Island Location Map -,115.19371&spn=0.110124,0.222301&hnear=Wedge+Island+Western+Australia&gl=au&sqi=2&t=h&z=13&vpsrc=6
To ensure we have a great event volunteers are needed on the beach to help out with:
- Registering sailors on the day;
- Judging (you don't need any special skills to judge, just be able to watch two sailors at time and score they moves consistently);
- Checking scores and updating the heat list for the next round;
- Marshalling heats (chasing people around and handing out flags);
- BBQ and generally helping to setup/pack up.
Its not all hard work, there will be plenty of time to have a sail and compete in heats. If you are able to help, please send a message to
To help with catering can you please register on the event page on the WWA website.
Event Registration -
This is a free event for all WWA members and members of affiliate clubs (Geraldton, Safety Bay)
You must be a paid up member of WWA or an affiliate club for this event to cover insurance etc etc. We are not able to take membership applications on the beach. For this event ALL membership applications must be in by Thursday night to enable time for processing.
Membership Application -
Hi guys,
Graham and I are hoping to come up for the comp.
Can I make a suggestion:
20 min heats are too long, the judges get bored and the sailors get knackered! Shorter heats are better and generally what are run in other comps is 12minute heats. This will allow the heats to be dealt with quicker and mean you are more likely to get through the rest of the comp all the way to the final!
Cheers for all your hard work, am in Lancelin today and the swell did pick up this evening so should be good for tomorrow.
Also ,if you can, set the tent up a bit futher south than last time ( about 400m) as Graham who has sailed wedge a fair bit reckons the waves are better there and also you get less wind blown sand ( which has got to be a good thing!).
great day thanks windsurf wa!
swell was a bit small but the wind was honking and some good jumps were had by all.
some pics from the day here!/media/set/?set=a.328554217174813.81926.299496563413912&type=1
I too have some photos (at least 1400 pics...) from the day and I will try to get them up ASAP. Stay tuned
I put a post in the general windsurfing section, but here is a link to the days photos
Sneak peak...