Anyone up for a gps 1hr around a fixed lap (boat ramp to first channel marker on the way to scientific platform) at Novara on Saturday afternoon?
I can lend some units if somebody doesn't have one.
Start time to be confirmed if there is enough interest.
Reply here so we can see if there is enough interest.
Boat ramp here,135.745076&sspn=63.190312,114.169922&ie=UTF8&hq=novara&hnear=Mandurah+Western+Australia&ll=-32.569926,115.675864&spn=0.015009,0.027874&z=16&iwloc=B
We can decide on the day if the platform is better. The marker is safer for intermediates as it is shallow up to it. I tried it yesterday and about 18-20 gybes at good pace so I think any further makes it less of a challenge.
Shane I have a unit you can borrow with a waterproof pouch.
Let's pencil in a 2pm meet.
Oh it's in Mandurah. Normally I would do it but the clutch in my car is almost stuffed so I might have to stick to the river this weekend. I'll have it fixed next week so next time I'll be able to make it for sure. Thanks Mark!
Good turn out. Just enough wind for the hour.
Congratulations to Recycle on being the first hour challenge champion.
Closely followed by Claude.
Feel free to post your results here or you can e-mail me your track dville123456 at yahoo dot com
Hour should be between 15:30:54 and 16:30:54
Mine was 20.38 (20.59 from when I started planing)
Warp 6.3, Sonic 100, 20cm weedy.
Well done to all who lasted the hour.
So far speeds are (using GPSTC as strict hour speeds have been close for files sent in)
1. Recycle 22.71
2. Claude 22.6
3. Hardie 21.08 (strict 21.1)
4. Lao Shi 20.59 (strict 20.38)
5. 25 20.47
6. Nebbian 20.07 (strict 19.77)
7. JC2 18.78
If anybody else wants a strict hour please send me the file.
I am not sure who else completed the hour so please post your speed on this thread.
The track from Mr Consistent- Hardie
I am defining strict as on my timing of the race on my software. I get 21.13 for the loose hour but Hardie posted 21.08. I think Hardie got the best start and he stopped only just after the hour so the two numbers should be very close.