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Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Free Hand me downs thread.

Created by NowindSurfer > 9 months ago, 6 Feb 2011
WA, 163 posts
6 Feb 2011 1:34AM
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a clean out ! Anyone like myself post hand me downs here !

have a whole pile of goodies old boards booms, extensions ,sails harnesses, that i cant justify throwing out but mabe good for beginners(taught me to windsurf). This equipment is not reliable for my level of windsurfing now but maybe some use to anyone beginning the sport. will post pics before junk collection day..

The situation is with hand me downs they are not to be sold or a profit to be made on them once your finished with them post them and hand them on again or throw them out.

WA, 43 posts
6 Feb 2011 11:25PM
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well done mate,

I'll chime in with that,also have heaps of free stuff, sails mostly, not too old, we should encourage freecycle for windsurf more for sure

go the hippy styles

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
6 Feb 2011 11:33PM
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Bloody good idea. I'll chip in:

FREE Gaastra (HPL) wave boom about 140 -180 ish

FREE 2005 NP Zone 4.7

Grommets in need of gear only, not adults with tons of gear who just want extra spares.

EDIT - All under offer

WA, 436 posts
7 Feb 2011 12:48PM
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Yeh I've got some old kit free to a good home...

Old sails, but still serviceable:
North Rave wavesail 5.7
KA Predator twin-cam freeride 6.4
Sailworks Revolution wavesail 5.0

North XC20 (20% carbon) 460 mast
North Viper (75% carbon) 460 mast

Chinook ally boom (older style, but will suit the 6.4)

PM me if interested.

WA, 27 posts
8 Feb 2011 6:51AM
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Cheers hand me downers. I'm a newbie and broke and scratching for gear (and a job at the mo). I've been given some gear from a couple of mates but could use a harness and a sail or two. I've got a 4.7 simmer, a 4.9 North with missing battens and a functional 5.5 Essy. My mast is delaminated and giving me nasty glass fibre prickles and my board is in need of a new nose. I'm in Perth. Love to hear from anyone having a clean out!

WA, 583 posts
8 Feb 2011 9:19AM
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cool idea :) i have some stuff too,

I have a aeron skinny extension,
88lt Mistral electron - old and heavy but still sails pretty good, comes with a fin to suit and its pretty fast! ( ive done 33kts on it )
a few old sails nothing too flash should probably throw them out actually and save a newb the headaches haha!

Gozzo - if your mast is fiberglass and the fibers are coming out then im pretty sure you shouldnt be using it bud, chances are it will break on you at the worst time. im sure someone will have an oldish carbon mast that they will give to you,

WA, 3183 posts
8 Feb 2011 10:47AM
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always thought a 'keith chegwin' swap shop would be a good idea on this site......

anyways here u go gozo

USED - neil pryde seat harness from 2004.... size large.......gathering cobwebs......

if its no good for you, then i'll swap it for a couple of comfy footstraps ....anyone...mark????

WA, 436 posts
8 Feb 2011 12:16PM
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Pointman said...

Yeh I've got some old kit free to a good home...

Old sails, but still serviceable:
North Rave wavesail 5.7
KA Predator twin-cam freeride 6.4
Sailworks Revolution wavesail 5.0

North XC20 (20% carbon) 460 mast
North Viper (75% carbon) 460 mast

Chinook ally boom (older style, but will suit the 6.4)

PM me if interested.

Viper has a crack in it and is destined for the verge collection.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
8 Feb 2011 2:42PM
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always thought a 'keith chegwin' swap shop would be a good idea on this site......

anyways here u go gozo

USED - neil pryde seat harness from 2004.... size large.......gathering cobwebs......

if its no good for you, then i'll swap it for a couple of comfy footstraps ....anyone...mark????

Sorry man you are a week too late on the footstraps

WA, 583 posts
8 Feb 2011 10:09PM
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I just checked my gear pile and see i have 2 complete and useable booms there free to a needy home too!

after i clean out my pile this week sometime i will list everything i have for free

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
8 Feb 2011 10:13PM
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MavericK040 said...

I just checked my gear pile and see i have 2 complete and useable booms there free to a needy home too!

after i clean out my pile this week sometime i will list everything i have for free

Got one over 200cm at max?
May need one if I end up down that way and have to buy freeride gear

WA, 583 posts
8 Feb 2011 10:34PM
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yeh mate, its a bit poo tho, like the grip is coming off and theres a tiny split in i on the head ( hasnt grown with me using it and doesnt seem like its gonna ) def good for a newb tho or i have a pretty much brand new tecno limits one that nothing is wrong with for $150 ( cost me $320 ) but yeah keen to sell that.

Both are around 200 - 240cm i think

WA, 163 posts
9 Feb 2011 10:06AM
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Most of the gear is damaged but still usable.or simply to unreliable suit learner.
unfortunately i don't have any masts -all snapped.

I have an old x9 boom 180-230 Mark- may get you out of trouble for a while. (i was dreading the swim back using it but it still works if your not going out to far and want to practice forward loops on a 8 metre sail lol

Also would anyone like to swap a 4.7 hot sails maui (bought second hand from wsp but never used) riggs up on 4.0 for a 4.7 that will rig up on a 4.30 ?

WA, 163 posts
9 Feb 2011 10:21AM
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ops forgot the 30 kilo Bend it like beckham bombora!

1 posts
9 Feb 2011 2:31PM
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Hello, I have been learning windsurfing at Safety Bay and would be grateful for any free kit. I have a borrowed board and own 3 sails, but am borrowing all the other stuff. Apparently I am looking for the following if anyone can help? Thanks and its a great idea re handing the old stuff down as buying it all together when you are learning is a bit too expensive! : )

masts: 430 cm and 400 cm SDM (standard diameter) plus SDM extension
or skinny mast & skinny extension
Extensions:SDM, pin-style not cup-style
boom: a wave boom
harness: size small waist harness

VIC, 63 posts
9 Feb 2011 6:43PM
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I put these guys in with some ads I ran late last year but they didn't move.
Here again for some extra exposure!

I have a 5.5m Ezzy wave sail from sometime in the early 2000's that's up for free, and a 460 SDM mast with bag (It has carbon in it, no idea what percentage though)

WA, 27 posts
9 Feb 2011 4:54PM
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Hey No wind surfer, love to grab that Mistral board. My mate told me it's better than the one he was gonna give me and perfect for learning.


3777 posts
9 Feb 2011 10:02PM
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Mark _australia said...

Bloody good idea. I'll chip in:

FREE Gaastra (HPL) wave boom about 140 -180 ish

FREE 2005 NP Zone 4.7

Grommets in need of gear only, not adults with tons of gear who just want extra spares.

Mark is right no wind give it to someone who will appreciate it at your local spot set someone up who will be an active person in the windsurfing community.When you give gear away you want to make a friend. no kitesurfers or tourists "keep it in the fambily"
Its junk to the wrong person but someone struggling its treasure.

WA, 11 posts
9 Feb 2011 11:09PM
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Hi all,

I have just moved to Perth from vic and have been windsurfing for the last year or so, only currently own:
5.4m sail from about 2003 which has been great but need one a bit bigger and maybe one smaller.
430 mast and mast extension
118 litre board

am using my old mans harness from about 20 years ago....awesome.

if anyone has a 460 mast, a smaller board around 100L i guess? a 6-6.5m sail, harness, anything else anyone can suggest.

If anyone can help me out that would be greatly appreciated, also looking for some people to go sailing with??

send me a message if you're keen to help, even if its just for a sail.

cheers! used gear is what i need as am still very much learning!

WA, 333 posts
9 Feb 2011 11:34PM
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Awesome thread!

franklywindy popular spots to sail are south cottesloe, pelican point and melville beach.

WA, 436 posts
10 Feb 2011 9:10AM
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My spare kits all gone.

Thanks peeps.

Mark _australia
WA, 22870 posts
10 Feb 2011 2:58PM
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Mine should be gone to Gozzo if he does not pick it up I will advise

Franklywindy, there is a 460 mast just up a couple of posts from your wanted post

WA, 3183 posts
10 Feb 2011 4:35PM
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Select to expand quote

what happened to the red board... story please.

WA, 1148 posts
10 Feb 2011 4:38PM
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anyone got any old polly boards.. wind action stuff or something..

NSW, 8093 posts
10 Feb 2011 8:14PM
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Ok this is posted in the general section.It may not be feasable for you to get any gear to them anyway but i thought you might be interested.

Hi All

Firstly thanks to all those of you who have already donated gear or lent us their gear.

For the rest of you, can you donate pre-loved windsurfing Gear for youth windsurfers?

Come on we all have unused kit lying around that is un-sellable. This is your chance to donate it to loads of youth getting into our awesome sport this Summer!

As some of you know, we have been running windsurfing lessons for 17 Venturer Scouts on Tuesdays 430-7pm on Botany Bay Sydney. These kids are rapidly advancing and we are keen to keep them enthused and equipped. Therefore, we are asking for you to search under your house or in the shed for any gear that you can donate? We need:
• Boards of any volume 50 to 250 litres!
• Any masts – skinny or wide. Plus odd mast tops/bottoms or snapped masts (we have successfully cut down and cobbled together to make short masts)
• Sails – any sails. We can even cut down the huge triangular sails as beginner sails!
• Bases, extensions, fins – however old and ugly – we're versatile with this stuff!
• Harnesses etc

Plus if you have a wide style type beginner board that you are willing to loan us for Summer then again we would love to be able to borrow that and you can just call me at any time to get it back if you need to use it.

Just bring the gear down to Wanda Wavesailing event 11/12 Dec 2010 or call me and I will collect it all up and give your gear a second lease of life, injecting new blood into our sport

You can check out some of their progress (on loaned gear) at

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours in getting more youth into windsurfing

Jason Juretic
0402 320 940

I've got an old 5.7m voodoo sail I can give them + a couple of broken mast bits.

WA, 58 posts
11 Feb 2011 11:25AM
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I'm lookin for a 130 ltr board that I can knock around a bit. Can throw a few 100 bucks at it if anyone has one they are thinking of gettin rid of. PM me if you can help me out.

5 posts
14 Feb 2011 7:48AM
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If anyone has a 5-5.7m sail going spare I would greatly appreciate it. I've started back into it (after 15 years out and 15kgs later) but only have a 6m and find it a bit too difficult on very windy days.



WA, 27 posts
15 Feb 2011 7:45AM
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Massive thanks to all who've contributed. One mans junk is another mans treasure.
Still need a board but I can tape mine together for the time being.
Good Karma too all

WA, 3519 posts
15 Feb 2011 9:44AM
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after 15 years out and 15kgs later

I know the feeling Mike, I am member of the same club and I am very much unfit!!!!
Thank a lot to the good ppl that gave away many goodies, I will be sailing this weekend!

5 posts
15 Feb 2011 9:09PM
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Great news felix, may see you out there. Supposed to be a good wind on Sat. Many thanks to the offers I received, looks like I am sorted out too. Great thread.



WA, 158 posts
15 Feb 2011 11:38PM
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I have the original "Windsurfer" board at home, all 300kg of it. Unfortunately the old screw-in mast base finally perished and now I have no way to attach a mast to the board :(


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Free Hand me downs thread." started by NowindSurfer