Call me crazy- but i saw photos of the land yachts doing a night run... and then saw this:
20 Mar 2011 -6:33 PM Moon rise 6:39 AM moon set 99.8% Full moon at 2:10 AM
and thought of those evening easterlies.....
put it in your calendar:
FULL MOON 20th March 2011
How about making that the WWA end of season party......
We all get smashed on the Peli Pt foreshore, with a live band, and sail on and off?
Actually, maybe not....
This idea is not Rad enough.
You would have to make it a full on nude moon run to make it worth while. No seat harnesses please.
I once did an easterly night sail from Point Walter about 25 years ago - the light glow from Nedlands/Dalkieth and Attadale made it really quite safely sailable.
Sounds feasible Toby on the Satuarday night! It would be a great spot for it now with the car park and the grassed area, BBQ and lights etc.
You could even do short hops out to the bank if it spooked you too much!
Like Windxtasy said - the nav lights thing is the only hitch -Perhaps the dept of transport boys would have clocked off by then!!
I used to sail till 9-10pm after work 15 years ago at Peli until my head brushed one of those unlit rusted brown Nedland yacht club steel and concrete tube marks leaning over in the seabreeze. I saw it come out of the dark with 1/2 sec warning at ~30knots. Pulled my head in instantly and it just brushed my ear.
Another 5cm and I wouldn't be writing this... haven't been night sailing since.
Also there is often traffic on the river at night going quite fast.
now... the excuses begin...
Its not going to happen for me family business, sleep...
yes you can call me crazy-
But I will give a 6 pack little creatures beer to the person in WA with a GPSTC post with the latest on water time on the 20th March, after 6:33pm WAStandard Time- PM me your GPS track.
'Cos your gonna have fun for me and deserve the payment!
Hi Toby,
I had team orders to try get some free beer.
Went back down to Melville on my way home dinner.
No wind on the shore at all, off shore easterly from the carpark.
Rigged RRd 135 and Blade 6.2 wave sail. Drifted out at 10.00pm, did one run and called it a night.
Where were you?
I am gonna call it on Monday- 7 days after the event.
Current results:
1. Darryl 10:02 pm
King O P- sorry mate - no GPS no result- but loved your post and wish I was there!
What was a crazy idea turned into a competition and another GPS team challenge!
The WINNER is "Darryl-late night wanderer with beer" G
Congratulations and thanks for sailing in a full moon for me.
(It is true what they say - "there is no substitute for being there!")