This is my second NUDE board, i rate this as the best board ever, total customised to what i wanted, max v, heaps of tail kick, super light(what i wanted) and my own paint job depicting my apocalyptic stylings.
Thats what we like to see ............. sweet
God bless you .................and may he help you to slaye, gouge and carve the fire breathing dragons
My first two thoughts:
That's out there. I had a shirt like that deck design in 1986.
What happened to your footy?
40hrs in my room smokin and toking drawing and singing about how i used to go to nude school.
Used it at the Gates in Gero, and it went off, if youve ever sailed the gates you know that you want a board that goes off.
I got it.
Lick it to all the haters.
Saw the board with my own eyes and it is a credit to the builder and painter. Worthy paint job on an equally worthy board.Job well done.
oh yeh he can kick the stuffing out of the footy too
The Jesus board was done with posca pens. Pretty keen to do some more now ,I like that one.
You can paint your own board if you want. P.C's going to do one soon . Looking forward to seeing that one.
Take it easy old mate, take it easy... yer hoops the posca's worked well, will be good to see how the colour lasts in the sun after a season, could open up a whole new world of board graphics...
NO I don't !!!! That board is SOOO UGLY. Each to his own. I wouldnt be seen dead on a board that looked like that
a nice wooden cross maybe
You should call it GODS FUGLY STICK
Lots of red thumbs for jesus smaking the **** out of mast high hells gates.
I like to see hells gates being slayed apart (sic snaps)
God bless and my the battle begin between good and evil.
May jesus push the water from da rails and turn it in to sheets of ice.
you mentioned "When we see you smacking it at mast high gates we'll listen to what you have to say"
since i can tick that particular box a while back I'll have my say:
not really my thing, but whatever floats your boat dude,
will it stand up to the occasional reef excursion? hate to scratch that **** up huh?
I like colour!
Ran it into hells reef on its second day at the gates, bounced straight off.
We'll Sail it till its dead and put it the shed with rest of the death or glue it back together like the 3 starboards i own.
What is this resale concept.
I just don't get it, can someone explain.
What? your gear is still in good enough condition that someone would want to buy it.
How does that work? university never told me about that, i'm suing the industry.
Actually i'm gonna stick it straight up the ass of humanity and put a fairytale figurehead on my board and watch the reactions.
Maybe the next one will have allah on it, but your not meant to draw him now are you?, hmmm.
Anyway kids thanks for the entertainment and remember
"**** like your being filmed and bottom turn like your ****ing."
Custom Boards are a work of art and there are not alot of people who have the skill to pull it off, and a custom painted board just makes it even more individual like the rider who it is made for....
If you cant appreciate the effort in building something by hand and then colouring the whole thing in buy hand with a pen then society has gone to the dogs...
I like it but not everyone one will, but it did get responses out of alot of people good and bad, which makes it a work of art....
After all the meaning of Art is to get an emotion response from the veiwer...
ooooooh yeh !!
now this is what i call a topic, i cant wait to see where we go from here
i guess all you Gero boys will have to get used to sailing at the gates again (old skool style) after they park a series of 30,000 tonne iron ore carriers just outside the takeoff zone at spot x huh?
i can see it now.. the way out, size it up, bear away power on, hit the ramp, J-U-M-P, sheeet in, bear away head forwrd, feet up...... oh hang on , i dont remember seeing that there..................................
Nippon Adventurer Maru 1 - assorted boardsailors nil
whats the latest anyhow??