Where do people sail at Port Beach/ Leightons? I see a lot of kites out near the wooden bridge but not sails, do people still sail there or farther south near Salt at those dirt car parks?
I think it just suits learner kiters who like to go out for a casual sail. Its way to choppy for Fstyle and there's generally no real bank there to sail. Its just a close out which suits the kiters as they can just boost over whatever closeout is served up at them. The wide beach area is just well suited to kiters large beachside realestate rigging requirements.
I know some guys who like it for some Ocean Slalom but thats about it. I've wave sailed it in WNW massive swell, was ok for WNW...
If you've got a SUP it might be worth a look near the groin on a decent swell. Shhhh
Cheers for the info. I'm interested for ocean slalom, after work sailing. Sick of the gusty, patchy crap in the river and most other spots are too far away to make it through the traffic in time.
Where do the slalom guys launch from?
Hey Squiddo, I sailed (slalom) just north of that cafe joint at Port with a few guys, I really enjoyed it
The car park you mentioned (and in Firiebob's reply) is the one we launch from - next dirt car park north of Salt
We've had up to 6 out on slalom gear - I think fastest is Norts with about 34 knots (actually Slowy was faster but he doesnt count).
It is a bit sporadic that anyone will show up though, Safety Bay, Woodmans or Point Walter will normally take preference if they have potential in the forecast conditions.
I tried it that afternoon and ended up sailing by myself. Wind was quite gusty, not sure if it was because of the direction being dead cross shore maybe getting some interference from upwind or if it was just like that everywhere. Could see a few sails down with the kites later on and a heap out at Dutchies. Might have to finish fixing the big wave board and have a go there one day.
have heard the the wind can suddenly die / change direction down at port beach..
Troppo: did you ever experience that?