Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

Proposed safety bay dredging!

Created by WindsurfingWA > 9 months ago, 11 Feb 2012
3777 posts
17 Feb 2012 10:18PM
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I read the local rag today and it said that someone " without mentioning names from the "Saftey bay windsurfing club" has voice his concerns.

We should all thank this kind gentleman for his taking time out of his own agenda and maybe offer him as much support as possible._ A big THANK YOU I didn't realize the channel was 30 meters wide
Thanks also windsurfing w.a
I have lodged a email to the Rockingham council

SA, 3589 posts
18 Feb 2012 1:25AM
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Nice work Mark, good to see windsurfers voices getting across
Like Buster, i have also emailed them regarding my concerns for the area.

WA, 799 posts
18 Feb 2012 11:38AM
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I was called by a council representative who said that they expect a decision from Marine Parks by the end of the month.
Apparently the original channel markers were taken out in 2007.
Again "Jim" was referred to as having been involved in discussions as a windsurfer and I have asked for contact details.
The channel markers would be under the jurisdiction of Dept of Transport (as the council's ends at high water mark yet the media rep referred to a 200m offshore?) so they are the next contact to make.
It seems that Council is fixed on the centre channel as I didn't feel that any of our arguments were even acknowledged in our discussion. Council rep quoted 3000 boaties as wanting to use the ramp as it is the only one protected from swell and that dredging would cause less environmental damage than boats currently cause.
Western channel or existing channel ruled out due to shifting location of Tern Island.

WA, 243 posts
18 Feb 2012 2:30PM
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WindsurfingWA said...

Council rep quoted 3000 boaties as wanting to use the ramp as it is the only one protected from swell and that dredging would cause less environmental damage than boats currently cause.
Western channel or existing channel ruled out due to shifting location of Tern Island.


I would love to see the councils evidence of 3000 boaties..

off the topic but this sort of thing is why WWA membership is important. It gives the WWA as a body a stronger voice.
Keep up the good work Mark.

WA, 799 posts
20 Feb 2012 2:39PM
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Spoke with Marine Parks today and have sent an e-mail expressing our concerns to Dept of Environment who have the final say.
Cahair O'Kane from the Sound Telegraph got back in touch (thanks) and so there may be some coverage this week.
Still have not identified "Jim" who has apparently been on the advisory committee.
WWA has been copied in on some of the e-mails going to Rockingham Council and impressed by the well argued statements.
Keep it up.

WA, 899 posts
20 Feb 2012 9:59PM
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Well we do need the extra sand so we can make the beaches an extra 300m wider so we don't have as many kitesurfing accidents, has there been any word or here say about banning kiting From safetybay????

As for the dredging its fighting a losing battle, we had a good run out of that boat ramp, it's time to build club house there, the pond is going to turn into a sess pool anyway,

How about we dredge a channel due SW through the existing sandbar, keeps everyone happy, except the kiters, but hey somebodies gotta lose,

Kities, windsurfers, boaties, problem is I'm all three

SA, 3589 posts
29 Feb 2012 9:56PM
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Received this from Rockingham City Council after an email i forwarded them regarding the proposed dredging.

Re: Proposed Navigation Channel, Bent St Boat Launching Facility

Thank you for your correspondence dated 17 February 2012 regarding the proposed Navigation Channel at the Bent St Boat Launching Facility, Safety Bay. Please be advised that the City continues to await approval from the Marine Parks and Reserves Authority for the establishment of a navigation channel.

Since the removal of the former navigation channel markers in 2007 by the Department of Transport, the City has been attempting to re-establish a safe, formal navigation passage for recreational boaters using the Bent St facilities. Rockingham has approximately ten per cent of the registered boats in the Perth Metropolitan area. This is the second highest number of boats for a local government.

The Australian Standard AS3962 recommends that boat ramps should be sheltered from waves larger than 0.2m when designing boat launching facilities. Warnbro Sound does not provide such protection to meet these design standards. The City is aware of the limitations in establishing an alternative boat launching facility in Warnbro Sound as no other location affords natural protection from prevailing wind and wave conditions. This protection is necessary in order for open water boat ramps to provide for the safe launching and retrieval of vessels using the ramp. It is the Cities belief that the establishment of a channel will segregate boat users from other user groups including kite and wind surfing.

It is estimated that the dredged depth of the proposed channel will be -1.6m CD (chart datum). Should the City receive approval to dredge, the eventual placement of the channel markers may be undertaken in consultation between the Department of Transport Marine Safety and the Wind/Kite Surfing communities.

The development of this proposal was undertaken in consultation with various user groups and stakeholders, including the local windsurfing community represented on the Cities Marine Infrastructure Advisory Committee. Thank you for your interest in the above matter, should you require further information, please contact Mr Matthew Donaldson on 9528 0423.

Yours truly

Matthew Donaldson

3777 posts
29 Feb 2012 7:41PM
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Whats wrong with placing another boat-ramp upgrading the ramp @ at longpoint? (end of port Kennedy road.) That meets all the requirements especially with the ssw & easterly in summer? Ill give mr Donaldson a ring tomorrow (wont mention where i got his phone number from!!!

WA, 799 posts
29 Feb 2012 10:24PM
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Still have not been provided with contact details from Council for "Jim" who was apparently on this committee.

Response from DOT "We have yet to be approached by anyone regarding the marking of such a channel, but if we were, we would recommend either a 160mm plastic jet able (post) or a floating buoy similar to the ones recently installed at the northern end of Garden Island (See attached picture)"


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"Proposed safety bay dredging!" started by WindsurfingWA