It's Back!
By popular demand the Windforce Wednesdays return starting 28th Nov.
Briefing 5.20pm for first start 5.30pm at Pelican Point
Figure of 8, 2 lap heats with a timed start.
Don't worry if you can't make the early heats just join in when you get there.
Pizza and coldies after courtesy of Windforce
NB You must be a member of Windsurfing WA to take part to allow insurance cover. No membership sign up on the night please join at
Please make sure that you register for the series (entry form) before starting.
Helpers needed to run the series in January / Feb
I wonder if we could set an inside mark about 30-50m out from the pelican mooring. The wind shadow created by jo-jo's seem so to have worsened and I suggest that it would make for more interesting racing as opposed to having most of the fleet stall around the two buoys that make up the Pelican's mooring. How long is the rope on our pimple buoys? Deep enough for that area? I'm sure I could manage to take it out and set it if the rope length is suitable.
A good turn out this week despite little wind and no racing.
Pizza and coldies were just as good as ever though. Thanks Windforce.
WWA member volunteers needed to run this coming week 23rd Jan (not much involved) or unfortunately there will be no racing.
It would be good to get some others helping out through Feb also.
PM if you can help or
Windforce Pelican Point Slalom Wednesday 23/01/13
Wind stayed Strong for 5 rounds of action packed racing
Racing is on this afternoon 6/2/13.
We anticipate racing will continue for another 4 weeks after today.
More volunteers are needed to officiate (2 per week). This is very low key and social so no stress or sheep stations involved! Please see Stephen afer racing, phone at the shop 9386 1830 or post a reply on this thread. Thanks!
Seabreeze is in, will probably be light, but racing is on tonight. Bring your big gear!
Volunteers running the racing for the next few weeks are:
13th FEB Jarrod, Colin
20th FEB John G, Bjorn
27th FEB Julien M, Daniel
6th MAR Lachlan, Luke
13th MAR Tom, ...
Hoping the fresh easterly will blow all day, so we are going ahead with plans for racing or at least a social sail tonight.
If the wind dies there will still be beer and pizza, so come on down!
How many weeks are left? 'Till the end of March?
Finally got my car back yesterday and itchin' for a sail!
Beer and Pizza will be on today regardless of conditions. Racing or social sailing depending on wind strength.
Hope to see you there!
Hi All,
A light seabreeze has come in already so we will be going down to Peli tonight and putting on Pizza and beer with the hope that we get some racing in. I think this will be the last one for the season so all are welcome even if it's just for a catch-up or freesail. An increasing number of sailors are getting back into Formula sailing so feel free to bring your gear down as any equipment can be used.
Thanks to all that helped with this seasons events and we plan to continue next year with an even better format.