been trying to spot one 4 ages!
sailed one when i was a kid, but they've changed sh!iloads now.....
where should i be lookin?
Hell yeah go bladerider!!!
The hydrofoil moth ( modern era) came out of perth.
Until i did my knee i was making booms and fitting out masts for bladerider.
i nearly got to sail on one when i was in melbourne over christmas but the outrigger blew during a gybe.
on the same day in 4-5 knots of wind one of the boys logged a 17.4knots!
if you want a bladerider you can call brett at windrush on 93141317, he is the WA agent. i'm not sure if brett have been given his boat yet, but it should happen soon hopefully. however john Illet also makes his prowler hydrofoil moths in perth.
i believe the guys sail out of mounts bay but i dont think they sail with the regularity they did before the worlds in melbourne in 2004. It would appear most of the mothies are too busy making families than sailing these days.
yeah Berties right they sailed out of mounts for a few years but i havent seen anty of them in recent times...wondered where they all got to
try the sailing forum if your keen
tried it - no joy....
thinking about one of the older ones....but a hydro-foil would be the dogs nuts....