Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

sometimes it's great to live in Perth

Created by daddycool > 9 months ago, 20 Oct 2010
WA, 337 posts
20 Oct 2010 8:07PM
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......just got to find a way to earn money without being in an office....

3777 posts
20 Oct 2010 10:20PM
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Dunno im not convinces that the se is a consistant enough for a decent sail. usually turns out to be 0-25 knot gusts fed up with E not producing consistency.

Synoptics show a different story.
'My guess is its going to be inconsistant directional guys the tail end of the front fading probally failing to produce a solid consistant wind unless your waiting allday waiting to Stormsurf the front.
Still failing to see a basic summer weather pattern.
Dont get a hard on just yet!!!

Mark _australia
WA, 22378 posts
20 Oct 2010 10:57PM
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the front slides away to the south and it is a 1029HPa high coming in - classic summer pattern.
It will be on for Sat / Sun at least so get ready

3777 posts
20 Oct 2010 11:24PM
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Fingers crossed Mark so hanging to get out in some decent consistant wind on semi sinker full sinker gear without out swimming back to shore....

WA, 3183 posts
21 Oct 2010 7:46AM
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Mark _australia said...


the front slides away to the south and it is a 1029HPa high coming in - classic summer pattern.
It will be on for Sat / Sun at least so get ready

dear mr hughbert

it will not be windy on saturday, there will be NO Freeeekin Waves, it will be a sHiiT day,, I'm going to stay at home and watch TV...........................


WA, 1395 posts
21 Oct 2010 9:19AM
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You can tell Miller's back. It's all gone to SH! t.
Should have stopped him at the border I reckon.

WA, 7608 posts
21 Oct 2010 6:06PM
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westozwind said...

You can tell Miller's back. It's all gone to SH! t.
Should have stopped him at the border I reckon.

Aint that the truth
Had the best season last year and probably some of the best SUP surfing this winter
Miller gets back and it turns to poo. Im in Gero on a windsurfing holiday, its 5pm, Im laying in my tent and its RAINING
But on the plus side Ive been SUPing for the past 4 days with Cranky
Nar your cool Miller. Ive got one word for you... divorce

WA, 647 posts
21 Oct 2010 7:29PM
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Greenroom said...

westozwind said...

You can tell Miller's back. It's all gone to SH! t.
Should have stopped him at the border I reckon.

Aint that the truth
Had the best season last year and probably some of the best SUP surfing this winter
Miller gets back and it turns to poo. Im in Gero on a windsurfing holiday, its 5pm, Im laying in my tent and its RAINING
But on the plus side Ive been SUPing for the past 4 days with Cranky
Nar your cool Miller. Ive got one word for you... divorce

That cause you shouldn't be in Gero drive North my friend drive North!!!!

3777 posts
22 Oct 2010 8:28PM
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Was going orf! Wind showed up !!! STOKED


Forums > Windsurfing   Western Australia

"sometimes it's great to live in Perth" started by daddycool