We had a huge turn up for our night paddle tonight.. It was a fun night.. The SupBus was there for people to grab a board.. and enjoy the BBQ.
I think we had about 15 paddlers and besides the odd freak wind gust it was a great night for paddling.
I'll post some more pics soon... Thanks everyone for coming along and making it a great night.
I got there about 6pm and the SupBus was already in a prime position.
The weather was fine and sunny and lots of people everywhere.
I put my board on the bank in front of the bus and got stuck into the food on the barbie.
Helke was there with a friend and we finished off the sausages on the bus BBQ..
I got Helke's 11'4" out of her new Kombi.
Here's a pic of the sticker on the back window..for our friend Greenie.
There were already heaps on the water.
We all got together to start our trip down the Yarra.
We thought we better do the right thing and travel down the right side of the river.
It was into the sun.. and into the odd wind gust.
The first bridge was St Kilda road.
We were soon strung out and weaker paddlers followed.
Up ahead on a small foot bridge I see heaps of people crowding for a look as we paddled under them.
There are so many beautiful bridges on the Yarra and we get to see a side of them that most never see.
We stopped at the Crown Casino to watch the fire show..
I had the bright idea of having the board hard.. soft.. hard.. etc.. so the hard boards don't bump together.
We waited wondering why we didn't get the fire show.
We then realized it was a total fire ban day.. So there was no show.
Now for the tricky part.. No one wanted to fall into the brown Yarra water getting on their board.
We kept heading down river and under the next bridge and little did we know disaster was about to strike.
Just as we were under the bridge a super strong wind gust came up out of nowhere.. It was turning the weaker paddlers sideways.. The waves came all of a sudden and most knelt down on their boards just to be safe.. I then hear a splash as someone gets baptized in the murky water.
It was one of the girls.. I then see another go in in sympathy.. or maybe laughing so much.
We all got blown out from under the bridge and the wind gust left as quick as it arrived.. One of the girls dress came off.. I should not have taken this pic but how could I resist.
It must be a guy thing because we all could not help but smile as we headed back.
We headed back because the wet ones would be getting cold.. It may be summer.. but it's still Melbourne.. and the water is always cold.
I heard up ahead some girls calling out to Nic and I hear him say.."pull on this" and he reaches towards them with his paddle... Nic the chick magnet.
We headed back watching the city lights from the water.
Looking pretty shiny there Helke.
I wore a gay Hawaiian shirt for the occasion... It was a great night.
There's some classic DJ gold, especially:
A great night was had by all,except that ****wit rowing trainer who thought he and his private school buddies actually do own the river.having a slanging match with a tool with a megaphone on a pushbike while standing on an SUP. It was a great way to start a beautifull evening paddle.Ahhh!!! I can feel another anger management course coming on.Anyhow, nothing could detract from the paddle through the centre of the city-absolutely magic even the weather was good apart from the 5 second mini hurricane that tipped a couple into the drink.I brought Cherrie along ,she's mad keen after 2 paddles and now I'm looking out for a cheap first board (any Ideas anyone).she loves my board but at 48 kg(her, not my board) she can hardly lift it ,let alone throw it on her car.thanks to everyone especially David and Nick.Bring on the next paddle.Rupert
Bummer I missed it, I'm there next time for sure.
DJ, If camera's still used film you'd be broke!
But...if you got paid for posting good pix on here then you'd be rich!
Keep 'em coming.
You're an inspiration DJ. I need to get out on the Charles River in Boston this summer. I'll see if I can get together a crew for a night paddle.