Bic Techno 152 Litres
152 litres
2010 Tabou Rocket
105 litres
- 2010 Tabou Rocket 105lt for sale. $350 O.N.O
This board has served me well over the last few years on the bay.
2012 Fanatic Quad
229 cm x 93 litres
Fanatic Quad Team Edition wave board or bump and jump, carbon kevkar light TE, includes cover.
Starboard Ultra Kode
76 litres
Starboard Ultra Kode
Good condition, small repair under the heel pad, repaired and water tight.
Grab a bargain
2023 Starboard Iq Olympic Foil
220 cm x 196 litres
2 x IQ Boards, includes the IQ Travel Board Bag. $800 total
Must go this weekend.
Naish Wave Thruster
230 cm x 80 litres
I'm selling an awesome wave board.
Naish 80 lt wave thruster.
Not getting used due to foiling these days.
JP Australia Single Thruster
232 cm x 93 litres
Big Boys Waveboard, primo condition, full wood sandwich, no dings, lightweight, comes with original JP Footstraps.Even the deck logo is still shiny and new looking. Specs : 232 x 60.6 x 93 ltrs
2010 JP Australia 110 X-Cite Ride
246 cm x 110 litres
JP Australia X-Cite Ride FWS 110 litres windsurfing board, Good condition, Includes 4 straps and fin. 246cm x 65cm, full wood sandwich .
Quick and stable board in heavy chop .
2006 Starboard Hypersonic 111
218 cm x 111 litres
2006 Hypersonic 111 Wood, 218cm x 77cm, fair condition. Original weight, sails 5.8 to 9m. Comes with 38cm BP fin. $500
Starboard Isonic 94L, Oes Ice 85, Fins, Lines, Boo
94L isonic in good condition.
Comes with good condition straps and a 30cm fin
Recently sanded bottom and rails.
Starboard Evo Iq
233 cm x 81 litres
Starboard EVO IQ,, ride as a Single or Twin Fin.
Great Condition, no dings, couple of paint blemishes.
Board comes with a quality JP Wave fin and footstraps.