Tabou 3S
86 litres
Wave orientated 3s +
Also available as a package deal with a 4.2m and 5m severne blade, 370 and 400 severne gorilla masts, rdm extension and an older style (still very much functional) boom all to suit both sails.
Severne Nano V2
87 litres
Solid condition for a great price
Supplied with quad fins
pickup Maylands or Lancelin
2019 Stone Surf 2019
85 litres
Stone board. Good condition. No dings. A few surfaces paint scratches.
2013 Starboard Isonic 90
90 litres
Used not much. Good condition. Fin not included but I can sale new fins 32 and 34 cm. Sms me. Pick up only in vic park cargill street
Tabou Da Curve
86 litres
Watertight board, great shape. 86L volume. Thurster setup but with 5 fin boxes so can be sailed as a quad. Watertight with some minor superficial repairs to the nose
RRD Freestyle Wave
91 litres
1 Free Style Wave 91 limited edition $ 200
1 Quatro 85 Free Style Wave. $ 250
All boards are in perfect condition