Pro Limit Seat Harness
1x Medium size Seat Harness, new, $100
1x Small size seat Harness, new, $100
Prolimit Fusion Travel Boardbag
size 238/60 cm, oversized model, suits boards up to 63cm in width with straps. wall high is 12 cm. good condition, only used for storage in van. available in perth march 10 to 15 or by appointment.
2025 Patrik Carbon Mast Rdm 80% 370Cm
current model, new, never used, bought end of 2024, RSP is $ 658 now only $ 499!
available march 10 to 15 in perth
Jp Fsw
JP freestyle wave 100lt + I'm in the Mandurah area, also get to Rockingham WA.
Rdm 430
wanted a 430 RDM mast. I'm located in Mandurah also get to Rockingham . It must be in good condition
Lift Foils 170Ha Front Foil Wing
Lift 170HA Front Foil Wing
Yes its available pickup from Duncraig
Very good condition not a mark on it
If you are looking for the best efficiency of any wing on the market with that signature Lift speed and maneuverability, look no further.
Ride Engine Super Wing X 4.2 Mt
42 metre
Reedin Super Wing X 4.2 Mt - Sale (or Swap for a 5mt)
Very good condition wing, two minor professional repairs.