Can I trust the buyer/seller?

Much like any classifieds listing service, we publish adverts, and are unable to certify the validity of sellers, or buyers. However there are some things you can do to make it safer:

Check their profile:

- how long have they been registered on the site

Make verbal contact:

- in this age of email, you can still use your personal skills to talk with the person via phone to verify details and see what kind of character they are.

Establish expectations:

- is the seller/buyer an offshore worker who dissappears for two-three weeks at a time and doesn't access his email?

Do they only check their email once a fortnight? Are they computer literate? No point getting all upset about no email reply for reasons you could have worked out beforehand..

Delivery options:

- Does the buyer pay, and then the seller ships, or the seller ships & the buyer pays on receipt? You'll need to sort this out upfront.

** Remember that Australia Post at most will refund you $100 if they lose your package. i.e. You can register it for delivery, but if it doesn't roll up (i.e. they lose it), the most they'll give you is $100. Not much consolation for your $1000 package. A hard lesson to learn.

* * PayPal have all sorts of caveats about "refunds", so make sure you understand their policy, as you're more than likely not covered. A hard lesson to learn.

** COD (cash on delivery) is a great option - recipient pays upon receipt of goods. Australia Post is a massive service. In our experience via this site of shipping goods for 3 years, they very rarely lose things, but it can & does happen - be prepared for it, and be prepared for a 2-3 week wait whilst they investigate.

The wheels turn slowly. Insurance for $15 sounds expensive when you're standing at the counter, but is may well worth it should it go wrong.

Doing interstate deals really does come down to you speaking with the seller, getting as many photos as possible and trusting/taking the risk accordingly.