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Paddle Surf Hawaii Ripper (2024)

Created by nShoreSlider > 9 months ago, 11 Oct 2023
41 posts
11 Oct 2023 1:54AM
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Anyone have any insight on these boards? The price of $1100 with free shipping seems too good to be true. There's a more expensive model that has some carbon layup in it for $1650 too. I've heard the PSH name dropped around the forums but mostly in relation to a board that was designed by Blane Chambers a long time ago. This one seems to be designed by Terry Chung (whom I am not totally familiar with but I feel like he may have shaped a gun sup for Laird Hamilton at one point).

248 posts
12 Oct 2023 12:59AM
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Yeah he worked with laird. Great shaper by all accounts I had one of the lairds it was good. Light, cheap, strong pick any 2 of 3. If it was me I'd want to know the weight and possibly what factory before purchasing. I blew the fin box out for no apparent reason on a cheap board, but that is a typical sup weak spot.

313 posts
16 Oct 2023 10:55AM
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My guess is a factory in China probably the same one that made the bamboo rippers that they seem to still offer ,these new models have better dims.and volume that 8-7 looks about right for me.For the extra $500 add some carbon for piece of mind and you can't beat free delivery in the US.

144 posts
15 Jan 2024 3:31AM
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Surprised to see PSH back in business again the new Terry Chung designs look pretty nice actually great shaper/surfer from Kauai anyone know who is running the new PSH believe it was Blane Chambers company from the get go yrs ago? And wonder where they're made what factory? Definitely interesting hope they pan out the TC designs look appealing just don't know about build quality that's the big question anyone have any info?


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Paddle Surf Hawaii Ripper (2024)" started by nShoreSlider