FISH magazine available online
If you're at work flicking through the Seabreeze news wondering what you're going to read on the train home because you finished the latest issue of Modern Fishing, Fishing WA or QFM on the way in, pay a visit to the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation's (FRDC) website. In particular their FISH magazine.
June 2009 edition of the FISH magazine
The FISH magazine comes out on a quarterly basis (March, June, September and December) and provides 40+ pages that discuss a wide range of interesting and topical fishing discussions. The magazine can be viewed online, downloaded as a PDF or printed to read on the bus, plane or commode depending on your available time.
So what types of topics does it cover? Well while it's not going to contain information on the latest soft plastics techniques for jigging snapper or the newest products from Shimano, Lemax or Yo-zuri, it does take you into the world of the greater Australian fishing industry and what's going on in it.
Take the previous magazine for example, June 2009. Some of the topics discussed in this issue include:
- aquaculture developments in the breeding of southern bluefin tuna;
- what's being done to help counter the virus killing Victoria's abalone;
- efforts being undertaken to start stocking NSW beaches with pipis; and
- the effects of climate change on Australia's fishing infrastructure particularly oyster and prawn farms.
The next edition of FISH is due sometime this month so pop in to the FRDC's website and have a look around, and in doing so find yourself something interesting and informative to read on the way home!