SA: Seasonal closure for Snapper

South Australia’s annual closed season for Snapper will occur again this year during the month of November.

“PIRSA Fisheries and Aquaculture is reminding the recreational, commercial and charter fishers of the seasonal closure for Snapper, in all waters of the state, from 12 midday on Tuesday 1 November, to 12 midday on Wednesday 30 November,” Mr Dietman said.

“Fishers are not permitted to target Snapper at all during this period. This includes targeted catch and release for Snapper.

“Any Snapper accidentally caught during the closure must be returned to the water immediately. 

“The one month closure allows a proportion of larger, mature fish, the freedom to migrate and aggregate in readiness to spawn during the annual spawning season.

“Snapper form aggregations to breed and spawn in spring and summer (November through to January) and become more vulnerable to capture during this period because of their aggregative behaviour.

“When used in conjunction with other management controls such as bag and boat limits, size limits and restrictions on fishing gear, the closure contributes to increased egg production; enhanced future recruitment; and reduces the overall exploitation rate on the stock.”

Seasonal closures prohibiting Snapper fishing and the taking of Snapper from all state waters have been in effect since 2000.

 “The closure has been established to reduce overall fishing effort and it applies to all fishers,” Mr Dietman said.

 “In previous years there have been high levels of voluntary compliance by the majority of recreational and commercial fishers.

“It is pleasing to see that, generally, fishers have embraced the concept of the annual closure.

“Fishers need to be aware that if they take risks in regard to targeting Snapper during the closure, that they may be inspected and the likelihood of being caught is high.”

Information about these, and other fishing regulations, is available in the current edition of the Recreational Fishing Guide, which is available from local Fisheries and Aquaculture offices, FISHCARE Volunteers and the PIRSA website -

Anyone with information about illegal fishing activity should report it to FISHWATCH on 1800 065 522. Callers can choose to remain anonymous.