Small biceps in VIC, bass-love in QLD and fisho biffo in SA
What's been happening around Oz fisheries in the first week of June... (Fri 29 May - Thurs 4 June) It appears Vic fisheries have sent out conflicting messages regarding abalone poaching this week. Fisheries Victoria Director of Field Services has boldly stated that repeat offenders could expect "no leniency" from the courts following the conviction of a 44-year-old San Remo abalone thief (read: 'The Scourge'). So keeping in mind The Scourge was caught with 198 out-of-season abalone, and that this was his third offence, what was the tough penalty that was handed out? A $4,000 fine, banned from fishing for abalone for ten years and a 12-month suspended jail sentence. Sounds tough. But, in 2007 The Scourge was previously caught and a) banned from fishing for abalone till 2012; and b) given a six-month jail term that he served through other means. This begs the questions: a) how valid is banning him from abalone fishing again when he clearly didn't respect the first directive (unless it's actually 2012 and my cursed Outlook Calendar hasn't updated itself yet following the end of daylight savings); and b) what's the point of a suspended twelve-month sentence if a six-month term that wasn't served clearly didn't help him see the error of his ways? The clear message coming out of this is therefore - on your fourth abalone offence Fisheries Victoria will flex its muscles, don't take things too seriously till then. You can read the two releases here:
QUEENSLAND Queensland fisheries sent out a heads up reminding anglers that bass are now off limits for three months (till 31 Aug) to help increase the bass-love in downstream waters. Upstream is still fine as are nearly two dozen dams and waterways through the Stocked Impoundment Permit scheme. Check the website for more details:
It happens to the best of us - we're out in the boat and someone fishing nearby annoys us, so what do we do? Motor over and sever the anchor line of course! South Oz fisheries have hauled a commercial fisho from Whyalla over the coals for deliberately cutting the anchor line of another commercial fisherman in the area forcing him to return to port for another anchor before he could start fishing again. Might need to try something a little more subtle next time.
In other news rec anglers were reminded about the closure of the pipi and rock lobster seasons from 1 June
NEW SOUTH WALES New South Welshmen and women entered the no-take season for bass and estuary perch on 1 June. The fish can still be caught but a bag-limit of zero is in place till 31 August unless people are wetting a line in one of the many fresh water impoundments. And some great collaboration is happening between NSW DPI and other bodies to help fish and the fishing industry - research is being done in the western region of the State to see where blockages in river systems etc are hindering fish movement and migration, and DPI and Southern Cross Shellfish are improving their oyster research facilities.