Teach your kids how to throw a cast net: In 4 minutes!

The problem with cast nets, even the little ones, is that the perfect throw is always so close, yet so far from becoming the norm. For some kids, getting it right takes longer than their attention span will allow, plus there's that icky business of putting the net in their mouths. You might not think anything of getting a little salty water and fish juice on your lips, but they might! So thanks to the guys from SaltStrong, (particularly little Shawna), you can learn how to teach the kids to throw a cast net in less than 4 minutes - and you can learn it from a four year old!
Step 1: Make sure the net is clear, particularly the lead-line. Step 2: Divide the net in two, with the back section slightly bigger than the front. Step 3: With your back hand (left hand, for right handers), grab the net about waist level. Step 4: Flip your hand over and grab another handful of the front division of the net. Step 5: Pick up the lead line from the side closest to your body, and hold it in your back hand. Step 6: Grab the other side of the lead line with your free hand. Step 7: Bend, twist and throw, let go of the inside section of line last.
Not the reading type? Watch the video below to see it done by Shawna, the four year old who didn't quite get a perfectly round throw, but would have caught a fish for sure. Try teaching your kids to throw a cast net on your next weekend off!