The Leader Line - Presenting a lure closer to your fish
A leader line that is additionally attached to a main fishing line carries indeed huge differences. Relying on the types of game fishing we pursue and matching our budget, there are many traits that help us define the sort of leader to use.
A leader with attributes like invisibility in water, water or sunlight absorption, stretch and abrasion-resistance design and trolling strength would define its real value and hence a success while fishing.
What is leader line?
A leader line is an extra fishing line that is tied to a business fishing line for many reasons. It is actually attached to the rigs and lures to another end. Fishing lines and leader lines are typically joined with special knots or swivels at end of each other.
What are the benefits of leader line?
The primary benefit of leader line is that it provides high protection against reef, teeth or sort of solid materials. Secondary, the leaders are not noticed underwater unlike many fishing lines with higher visibility. The rate of success catching a fish is therefore increased.
We will also understand more of its benefits below:
What are the types of leader line?
Mainly, there are two types of leader lines available depending upon one's angling styles. One can use the one that best suits them.
1. Standard Monofilament Leader
Monofilament as its name suggests stands for a single thread - mono (single) filament (thread-like fibre) tied to the end of fishing line. The standard monofilament leader is an economical option of fishing with certain characteristics. Game fishing is a feel and fun that always pairs with one's affordability and willingness to fulfill a hobby.
Qualities of standard monofilament leader line:
Such leader line absorbs water and sunlight, offers more elasticity, has anti-corrosive nature and is certainly inexpensive.
Relying upon one's fishing style, the leader pattern will ultimately get matched up!
Of course, the value of it will perfectly be justified where a game fishing has more chances of snagging a line, getting rusty or penetrating a water surface (as per lure presentation over types of water levels) very accordingly. In trolling the lures, its stretching capacity manages to absorb the shocks as well.
2. Fluorocarbon Monofilament Leader
Technically, it's a single thread line with some features added furthermore than standard leader. Costlier, certainly with different enhancements justifying specific fishing techniques.
Qualities of fluorocarbon monofilament leader line:
Such leader line has little porosity that is a less water absorption. It may judge its sinking depth. Besides, as it comes in "refractive index", this leader line (being enable to stay at shallow surface and closer to sunlight) will be not easy for fish to eye. Baiting a fish comes with strong probabilities. The line is less stretchable and anti-corrosive too!
If we want to consider its worthiness, let's have some examples.
E.g. For anglers who are fishing in clear water, there will obviously be more chances to lure a fish just because of its high invisibility nature. Fluorocarbon leaders are difficult to see underwater. They are more durable with long life spans due to their little water and sunlight absorption nature; little damages occur to them. A small degree of stretchability saves a line from more bites too. While fighting with some species where we do not require much line stretch, this feature is really helpful too.
Going with either of them is again a subject of your fishing method. It is more clear when you decide where you want to lure and what!