A Detailed Look Inside the Luderitz Speed Challenge
This year the records remained unbroken, but the kiteboarders were oh-so-close! So were the windsurfers, both breaking the 50 knot barrier on countless occasions in the man made channel with winds only blowing 30-35 knots for most of the event. Slight advances in equipment weren't enough to get the kiteboarders over the line however, and riders are looking forward to next years event even more so now, thanks to this amazing documentary!
Aside from a very enthusiastic narrator, the video below is sure to keep you entertained the entire way through (all 25 minutes of it!) - and before you cry 'I watched the highlights reel', this version is full of exclusive clips and gnarly crashes! One kiteboarder literally skips head over heels across the water several times before coming to a stop, with his kite slamming into the sand on the other side of the narrow channel. Windsurfers explode in balls of whitewater, when their fins hit the bottom of the 40cm deep channel, and in between all the crashes, are some blistering speed runs.
For those readers feeling nautically challenged, 50 knots is almost 100kmph, and these speed kiteboarders are going that fast in a 1km long, 10m wide and 40cm deep channel, dug into the desert in the middle of Africa. It is awe inspiring kiteboarding… Check it out below!